I’m going to cum in my toilet, a cumsock, a tissue or generally anywhere besides a vagina every day for the rest of my life. Fuck these fascists.
Did… Did you have different plans before the court ruling?
Before the court ruling, I was already doing all that just for fun. Now I’m doing it for political reasons and also for fun.
Thank you for your efforts, Peter Poopshit.
they will never take my sperm… freedommmmm
My shower drain looking like a concentration camp
You have no idea how hard I had to stop myself from posting a photo of conjoined twins as a response.
Oh shit I used to throw children at children
Or shredd children into dust then make buildings and street with them.
I used to throw children in the water and watch them drown .
You monster!
The real question: were you throwing rocks at children or children at rocks?
Psalms 137:9 My favorite bible verse VERY relavant
I think we can all agree that that is a children
I agree. This is definitely a children.
I’m going out into nature to pick up a children right now
this post right here, officer
I, myself, fondly remember the times when I used to lick a children for the weird and salty taste
I’m OOTL. I live someplace where women’s rights aren’t returning to the middle ages. You Americans sure know how to get things jingled up. First a copper mistakes an acorn for an assault on his thin blue life, now some poor bloke has to pay child support for a stone he’s not the biological father off? (That’s what I make of this anyway)
Alabama is especially good at being bad at human rights
Still OOTL, Alabama said rock is henceforth child by law?
No, they said embryos are. Sorry for not being more useful.
And rocks come into this… how?
Pretty sure it’s supposed to be dried… how shall I put this… male genetic material.
The name’s Semen, Semen Fellatio. But what has a lump of chalk got to do with anything?
Can someone spare some content for a fellow living under big children ? I’ll guve you two children for it.
Probably referencing this court ruling.
What tge fuck US laws sucks so much its unable to calculate how much.
Yeah, but how is the rock a child?
a children*
Because exaggeration is often the basis of humor
So basically they wanna kill all research and fertility clinics.
This is going backwards.
Guys we should consider the US a lost cause. It doesn’t matter anymore if Trump gets voted. This country is fucked and the rest of the world will probably follow.
Riot now before it is too late.
But I’ll be worse off if I riot. I’d rather just bet that Trump lives on the internet.
What changes for you if you riot?
I could get murdered by the police, and the short term for my family does matter to me.
Breaking up with your girlfriend is now a capital crime in Alabammy because it kills your potential future children
Umm, akshully, that rock is unfertilized.
I can tell you it has been fertilised
I had a rock once that thought it was fertilized, but it wasn’t truly. That was a very gloomy prom.
Somebody with more time than I needs to remake this meme with a picture of a tank of compressed hydrogen.