this is my favorite philosophical fact. You can only have a defined definition if that definition excludes things, otherwise it is not appropriately defined. And therefore broad.
The “paradox of tolerance” has never legitimately stumped anyone. The initial act of intolerance broke the social contract, thus removing their right to tolerance themselves.
Have tolerant people to be tolerant towards the intolerant? This question has claimed the coherence of so many philosopher’s brains. Poor souls.
If only someone had taught them about social contracts, which only conditionally requires us to tolerate people so long as they tolerate us.
this is my favorite philosophical fact. You can only have a defined definition if that definition excludes things, otherwise it is not appropriately defined. And therefore broad.
The “paradox of tolerance” has never legitimately stumped anyone. The initial act of intolerance broke the social contract, thus removing their right to tolerance themselves.