I almost never watch “shorts” but my suggestions for it seem to have an…uhhh…adult theme. I don’t watch any such thing with YouTube. Does everyone see garbage like this?
Bro you should have investigated the actual answer to this question before asking it publicly 😃
It’s not to say you’re watching lots of soft core porn but the algorithm has definitely decided that you’ll like it
There’s alot I could argue with but maybe the best answer I have is: why just the shorts? The rest of my YouTube feed kinda sucks but it isn’t porn or titillating at all.
Theyre separate algorithms so its prolly the only type of shorts youve clicked or hovered over for a some time
That’s the thing, I think I’ve watched maybe 2 shorts ever, pretty sure they were not like these or at least only mildly sexy
But it’s Google, so they know your browsing history and have you in a “bucket” for what their metrics think will drive engagement from you. (Or they don’t know enough about you and just think boobs will get you intersted, because sex sells.)
Meh. We’re all human. If Google thinks you like thirst traps, whatevs. Pretty ladies are pretty ladies.
But if you don’t want to see it, you can probably use feedback tools to change what they show you.
I’ve gotten sexualized ads in my work Gmail which I only use for work emails and nothing else. Pretty sure step one of Google’s algorithms is “is man? Show titty”
Well that’s just not how recommendation algorithms work. A part of it will be content based, directly related to what the user can be associated with.
However, the largest part is collaboration based filtering of content. That means, our user is put in a group based on his other preferences, let’s assume nerdy tech stuff, and then is shown content that he has not liked yet but his group of peers has, meaning he could probably like it too.
In other words - he’s not the one in fault here, YOU are (you pretty much have to be nerdy tech folks to be here).
Please, could everyone here stop clicking on this stuff so that OP don’t have to be associated with your filthy behavior, thank you.
that’s just not how recommendation algorithms work
I didn’t say anything about how they work – only that it shows you stuff it thinks you will like. Which is basically what you said.
However, the largest part is collaboration based filtering of content. That means, our user is put in a group based on his other preferences, let’s assume nerdy tech stuff, and then is shown content that he has not liked yet but his group of peers has, meaning he could probably like it too.
Yes, based on other user patterns and how it categorizes him, it thinks he could probably like soft core porn too. That is, in fact, how it works. Glad we agree.
In other words - he’s not the one in fault here, YOU are
Please, could everyone here stop clicking on this stuff so that OP don’t have to be associated with your filthy behavior, thank you.
So it’s perfectly realistic that everyone could be clicking on soft core porn to feed the algorithm these ideas, in contrast to OP, who couldn’t possibly be clicking on it? You’ve decided they’re the one and only person who definitely isn’t doing that when clearly someone is?
How could you write this hostile and condescending message when I actually made a specific point to highlight the exact point you’re making (“It’s not to say you’re watching lots of soft core porn”) in my message? If a little more succinctly. I wasn’t blaming OP in any way, just explaining (just as you did) that the algorithm based on his viewing patterns is what decides what to show him.
I had hoped that my last sentence showed my post was clearly in jest. The factual information was just needed to set up the joke. Neither hostility nor condescension was applied.
In fact, the avid reader might catch that I have implied myself in the group of people causing OP’s annoying trouble with light-clothed females since I too am here - presumably a tech nerd like OP and meddling with the algorithms affecting him by clicking on unsavory content.
Yeah I totally missed it. My apologies.
Before anyone rails on OP too much let me tell you this. My shorts feed was full of tech stuff. Then one day I clicked on a hot girl and watched a few of the shorts. Big mistake. Now even though I’m not clicking on them again my feed looks like OPs.
I guess the lesson here is. Never click on these shorts ever if you don’t want to get spammed by them.
agree, I do have some other things in my feed, but I’d definitely say the algorithm has certain preferences.
Probably has to do with most of my interests being pretty nice compared to ‘ooh pretty girl’. So when it compares what I click on it’s easier to find high frequency recommendations based on other peoples likes. I know fuck all about the algo that makes feeds, but my guess is that’s how it works.
Good point.
There is probably also a lot more of these “pretty girl” videos than “5 Fun Facts About JavaScript” or “Here is a Mistake Everyone Makes in C” so it’s easier for the algorithm to serve them.
exactly! its not so much that the algo is skewed against us (although…), but mostly the content it has available to it and our lizard brains in general that arn’t helping. (or rather out desire to win the popularity contest and thus manipulate it in a way the algo is sensitive to). Because 90% of the ‘pretty girl’ videos wouldn’t have these stereotypical clickbait dames in them if it didn’t work in the first place
I think the real lesson is: do not login and purge your cookies and browser storage regularly.
Thank god my feed is filled with dogs, kittens and birbs instead of this shit
That’s what it looks like when I’m logged out. It’s just a bunch of nerd shit when I’m logged in. Don’t click the tits, not even once.
Soon, titty recommendation-free Google accounts could be a hot commodity.
Don’t click the tits, not even once.
This comment requires and deserves an epic reply of some kind, but I got nothing right now.
This comment visualized
The funny part is that sometimes I play this little game to see how many videos it takes to fully pornify my home page and it doesn’t work if you want it to be like that.
Are you using the app? Are you logged in?
Ask yourself why, then log out, delete the app, and go watch on a browser without logging in.
Or if you have to use an app, try Smarttube or something similar. Without logging in.
Mine is hydraulic press and video game shit. Idk dude.
YouTube = Alphabet = Google Search
They know.
YouTube = Alphabet = Google Search
That, or his ISP.
Bruh, fuck YouTube, and if you really have to use it use an alternative client. Grayjay has plugins for more apps but there are solely clients with YouTube no adds no shorts and newer with no games
Just set up Grayjay because of your comment. The seamless integration of both Patreon and YouTube into the same feed is so good. Thanks a lot!
Don’t thank me thank the developers
This. I use Revanced and it hides the shorts shelf and movies by default, so if you’re tutorial hopping you don’t get sidetracked. You can also choose to hide all side related videos, or just the “recommended for you” algorithm. Bonus, it comes with sponsor block built in.
Mine is a bunch of podcast clips and reality TV drama slop.
I guess it suggests whatever is popular in your country?On my subscription page, it shows shorts from my subscribed channels. On my main page, it’s girls in bikinis playing on a guitar, violin or drums. I wantch a lot of independent musicians doing instrumental covers, but I don’t recall seeing any of them wearing skimpy clothing.
I guess it’s sort of like facebook, to increase engagement. I stopped visiting there about a year ago, but I didn’t close my account. I now get one friend recommendation daily, and it’s always sexy looking girls I’ve never heard of. These sites register me as male, so they always combine my interests with sexy females, to entice me to spend more time there.
Yeah buddy that’s definitely on you mine is all science and homestead content.
Youtube Shorts hasn’t done this for me (I actually follow some creators that make shorts so it’s usually them) but Facebook’s version is infuriatingly just like this and also I can’t get rid of them. Every time I see one I go to the dots and select “don’t see any more of these” but they just keep showing up and it’s always some girl doing a yoga pose in a bikini, camera decidedly pointed directly at her vagina.
“This one’s called downward kitty”
More of a you think, I think. My shorts feed mostly comedy stuff, DND stuff, art stuff, and music stuff. Well, and the odd Christian preacher, which I assume gets wrapped up with the atheism content I also see.
I haven’t actively used Facebook since I was in high school, and recently scrolling through my feed it’s not even softcore it’s straight up p*rn!
I keep hiding these posts & they don’t stop appearing… I wish I could tell Facebook I’m not a perpetually online horny teenager anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There are Firefox extensions to: disable shorts, make your homepage your subscription page.
Also revanced can disable shorts on mobile and smart tube next on tv
Mine are mostly about nail art techniques and skincare reviews in French.