I fail to see what about this is not factual.
Edit: y’all I was making a joke about the second comment, I thought that would be obvious
Lithuania is considered, along with Latvia and Estonia, to be a developed country now. It really took a step forward after being freed from the chains of Russian subjugation.
- USA is not the most diverse country (its ethnic fractionalization index is below that of Moldova - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racially-diverse-countries or https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_ranked_by_ethnic_and_cultural_diversity_level)
- Out of listed countries, the only one that exhibits clear signs of ethnonationalism is Russia (although I have to admit to be fairly ignorant on state of things in Argentina)
- Lumping Russia with its former colonies screams “ignorance”
- Grabbing a bunch of countries from the oldest trade route and thinking they are gonna be ethnically homogenous echoes the previous scream
- Me spending time on this post is a clear evidence of procrastination
- Poland has universal healthcare, walkable cities, affordable intra- and intercity public transportation, and provides free higher education to its citizens
- Moldova provides free education to its citizens and has universal healthcare
- Even Russia has a still working universal healthcare (terrible by many standards, but still beats US) and provides higher education to its citizens
- Argentina has universal healthcare and offers free higher education to it’s citizens
- Why am I still procrastinating? Send help!
USA is a dominant superpower though.
USA is not the most diverse country (its ethnic fractionalization index is below that of Moldova - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racially-diverse-countries or https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_ranked_by_ethnic_and_cultural_diversity_level
Idk, both of those studies leave a lot to be desired. The first methodology is based on language, which ignores the history of conflict and forms of imperialism that used language as a tool of imperial expansion.
The second study doesn’t count any culture that doesn’t make up more than 1% of the total population. Which means countries like Papua New Guinea, one of the most ethnic diverse countries in the world, doesn’t even register as they don’t have a dominant ethnic group.
I see you didn’t disprove the point out wanted to fuck Evee.
How am I to build any skills at all when my only motivation is procrastination?
Procrastination is a skill I use every day.
Russia is not a 100% white country. The country spans two continents. Plenty of Asian Russians in the country.
That the US is not also a shithole…
Technically they didn’t say not a shithole, they just said that it was the world’s leading superpower. But yeah, I was mainly referring to the reply hehe
yeah i was wondering if somebody was gonna point that out lol
just felt a need to shit on the US a little first thing in the morning :D
I don’t know much about Lithuania, but they’re one of the few countries that officially recognize Taiwan.
That animal tho…
I agree, but I also think this is cherry picked. There are countries that are quite monoethnical that are doing quite well eg. Switzerland and Japan. Also I don’t think USA is such a great place to live, even if it where the “worlds #1 superpower, whatever that means”. Great military doesn’t make a country nice to live in. Switzerland and France are much better in my opinion.
Calling switzrland monoethnical is a crime against humanity. Also they don’t do so well in some rewards.
Hey why did op mention Lithuania wtf did we do?
WTF is wrong with Lithuania? And Poland is getting its shit together these days.
Lithuania has The ROOP, I won’t hear any slander against y’all!
Get a water stone and we’ll talk.
“white”? Define white. Most European countries consist of multiple different ethnicities
Even middle eastern countries are incredibly diverse (Iran for example is home to like 5+ different people)
I feel like there are at least 12 people in Iran… Maybe even 13
Wait, there are ethnicities other than “white” and “not white”?
There are as many or as few races as we decide to make up at any given time. There is no scientific basis for drawing an objective line between racial groups. And ‘mixed race’ people like me just fuck it up more and more as time goes on.
Let’s play.
Russia isn’t all white.
America is largely white. Also all the wealth and power comes from the white people. America peaked in the 60’s relative to the rest of the world.
European countries peaked in the late 90’s to the 00’s.
Poland’s great. Only ever heard good things about Lithuania. Don’t know squat about Moldova.
Argentina isn’t that white.
Crappy communism trumps anything else. Poland and Lithuania (and eastern Germany) under communism was shit, nearby countries (like Western Germany) were great. America really benefitted from WW2 and oil
How is Poland a shithole? Did a person who wrote this crap have seen this country at all? We had literally one of the biggest economic growths in Europe during 90’s/00’s.
People think Poland is Poland in 1991
Poland one of the better countries in Europe. It also seems to be trending in a better direction that all the other countries.
That person probably knows nothing about any of those countries
You also radiate Hitler Particles in mass numbers
Sorry man, but the hitlerite shit takes I see online in Poland is disproportionately bigger than any other country, even the 🅱️altiks
Here’s hoping that economic growth manifests as some material growth
I am from a country that has tended to view poland in a less than flattering way. And yes, the past tense is intentional. I had the pleasure of spending a large part of 2008 in the Gdansk and Gdynia area, and I absolutely loved it. Beautiful place and friendly people.
I remember a coworker saying something along the lines of “I now understand why we have the stereotype about poor quality craftsmen coming over to us - because the best ones never left home” while we were walking through the town.
Man, I’ve been arguing that point (that diversity is America’s greatest strength) for decades.
Also, I want to fuck that animal as well.
My man.
Bring me my water stone
Argentina? The South American country that had a small influx of Germans after WW2 is 100% white?
Hispanic people can be white skinned. They’re aren’t all dark.
Lul good one. Yea there’s plenty of white people in south America but I doubt anywhere it would be 100 percent or even close.
Can confirm
“How’d you get your last name?” Is almost always brought up when I say it.
I’m a second generation Mexican/Finnish mix with a strong southern accent.
Having to mark my skin color down on the paper and then having to mark Hispanic in another place is common place.
Funny how Scandinavian is never an option. I’m as much Scandinavian as Hispanic.
Racism is weird.
Lul same with my fiancee actually. She’s half salvadoreña and half Lebanese. Her last name is a Lebanese one that isn’t common but she has strong salvadoreña features with Lebanese hair, it throws people for a loop trying to figure her out. I’m just Mexican with a Spaniards last name which a lot of people in Mexico also are.
The more I see, the more I want to burn the internet.
Maybe it’s sufficient to ask our moms to actually turn off the internet, like they threatened to do so many times in the past.