• Beowulf@unilem.org
    10 months ago

    I can understand monero since you can actually use it as a currency on some certain websites, but that’s basically it. I do not care about crypto anymore because of the almost toxic culture it can brew.

    Back when reddit was a thing, I asked how to even start with crypto (what type of wallet, general set up general use etc) and just didn’t even talk about the actual mining (I remember saying something around the lines of “I’m looking to mine because it’s supposed to get extra cold this winter, I do not care about actually getting any crypto” and those dense mfers kept linking a website that calculates how much I would make with the cost of electricity and the efficiently of it all… like… I didn’t even care about making anything, I just didn’t want it going into the ether)

    Anyways that’s my rant

    • infernalaudit@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      I ran a very small mining operation at home back in the day and it definitely was all about trying to optimize everything.
      Today, I don’t think mining is economically viable without running a data center, but I still mine in the winter and turn my computer into a space heater for my home office. It definitely doesn’t cover the power cost but it does offset a small portion of it.

      Not affiliated in any way but Nicehash is what I use now since it (mostly) runs out of the box with minimal configuration.

      As a side note, don’t mine on laptops - you won’t get enough heat to keep a room warm and you might end up with something failing from overheating.

      • Beowulf@unilem.org
        10 months ago

        Yeah, I knew it wouldn’t be cost effective since my old rig had an AMD RX580 8gb, but if I could play games and already have a space heater, I may as well mine crypto to heat up the whole house. Nowadays I’m just using Folding@Home during the winter

        • infernalaudit@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          That makes sense. CPUs and GPUs convert most of their energy use into heat. May as well do something slightly useful with that.
          No idea what the numbers are now, but last winter, I think my 3080Ti cost ~$2/day to run and generated ~$1/day in crypto.

        • makeasnek@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          If you are doing folding@home you can earn [email protected] and Curecoin at the same time for your folding. Helps w the electric bill :). Gridcoin also rewards [email protected] so you can do other medical & space research as well if you get bored of folding.

    • Marxism-Fennekinism@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I still don’t understand the “you own it” argument of NFTs. When you buy an art piece from the creator normally, don’t you also own it? Like when you commission a piece from an artist the rights are transferred to you once you pay them right?

      Also, trading NFTs is basically the same as rich asshole private collectors trading Van Gogh’s and Pablo Picasso’s, just dumbed down to get normies in on the action. I know NFTs promise to give the artist a cut of the revenue, but one, they’re paid in tokens that are infamously difficult to actually buy anything with other than more crypto, not “real” money that they can spend on food or more art supplies, basically the techbro version of paying in exposure. Two, there is absolutely zero things stopping literally anyone from minting an NFT from stolen art and getting a cut too with, by design, no way for the real artist to take down those NFTs or for people who bought it thinking it’s genuine and that they’re supporting the artist to reverse their transactions. In fact AFAIK that’s the majority of NFTs in existence, so to say it’s “all about artists” while doing nothing to address that means you don’t actually give a shit about artists.

    • Grayox@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      Funnily enough, the only people i know that made any actual insane gains from crypto were early adopters using it to buy cheap drugs from the dark web. Shit is a scam, just like fiat currency