I’m German too, while I usually prefer southern german beer with a strong wheat, malt and yeast flavour I also occasionally like to explore other flavours like IPA or more exotic ones from different countries. I mean, drink what you like or don’t drink at all (which might be better, health-wise). Gates open, come on in.
Good beer is good beer.
I’m German. I look down upon these pesants. The best beer is dark and unfiltered. Anything else cannot compare.
We should aspire to be friends with all beers. Let us appreciate all styles for the unique qualities they bring to the table.
Except sours, those are gross
I’ve had your beer while in your country. Much respect and all given the history and contributions to beer over all, but after a week…it got boring.
I’m happy to be a peasant with never ending variety of styles and variations within styles without being hamstrung by some unimaginative and restrictive laws.
There’s variety too, you just didn’t get to see it during your stay. The laws are now much more liberal than they used to be.
But yeah, when you go to a basic place, many German beers have a similar character I would say. Normally there’s just the difference between light, dark, red, weizen and then the mixed ones.
Drinking weizen makes me feel like I’ve had drink and food at the same time, so rich.
My stomach says thanks but no thanks haha
Dark beer is for winter and autumn. IPA is for spring, summer, and not going off on a sea voyage to the colonies.
Edit: also when I was in Germany I mostly drank white wine. Germany is the only country that produces palatable white wine, whereas good beer can be had in many countries.
Germany is the only country that produces palatable white wine
Wow wow wow, take it easy there, them are some fighting words.
I never liked beer until I tried it in Germany. I’m here now on vacation, a Radler is probably my preference just for sweet tooth but even the basics go down nicely.
Canadian IPA is dark and unfiltered.
I am a basic ass white dude and this is accurate.
as the small brewery industry developed I went from “fuck IPAs” to “hit me in the face with another pinecone please” and I’m not sorry
Oh man I love that piney taste
Second this.
I like drinking IPAs.
Fight me?
cant get much else craft beer wise where i live.
i like a porter ale but theres only like one shop that does one.
Stouts are nice but guinness is overplayed. Brewdog have released a stout that seems to be doing well though, but i like variety
To be honest, as a French from Lille (which means I have access to a whole lot of beers) the very first time I drank an American Pale Ale it tasted like a lighter, more subtle IPA.
shots fired
well deserved shots fired
Pumpkin IPAs are where it’s at!
Shipyard Pumpkin ale is better than a latte and almost as good as a yummy NEIPA.
Jokes on you I’m Pilsner guy
A white dude who drank IPAs told me that
synthesis: pumpkin ale
Death to America
I have good news comrade
Yeah, but I don’t drink 16 pumpkin spice lattes in one sitting.
You ok, friend?
No, but ask me again after 16 Ninkasi Prismatics and the answer might change.
Everyone who doesn’t get it needs to read this.
It can be quickly summarized to the line in the article, “marketers have an insatiable appetite for turning human enjoyment into target-based profit”. Couple that with the fact that females tend to receive more ridicule for their consumption habits, and you’ve got this article.
Hasn’t aged a day
Oh, is that what they are? I thought they were just bottled cat piss…