Didn’t expect to see memes making fun of mental illnesses on Lemmy
Bro. You almost gave me a heart attack for a second there, making me think I somehow posted something VERY different.
LOL new prank just dropped
Don’t give them a heart attack. They’re like 60% of Lemmy’s content.
Lul, must be savages migrating from Reddit
I didn’t realize I had a mental illness. I just booked an appointment with a psychiatrist. Thank you kind stranger. /s
Google sociopathy. Good luck!
but this is correct, that’s where the mic is, it’s more comfortable than holding it to my ear [especially the modern smartphone shape], and i like knowing i’m talking straight into the mic
Plus, I really hate the idea of my cheeks touching the screen… because then after the call I end up having to clean the screen off. Damned OCD.
Edit: Jfc lol was downvoted for sharing my phobia, stay classy Lemmy
I am very confused, why is your cheek touching the phone? Are you mashing your phone against your face?
Some people have chubby cheeks, or don’t want to mess up their makeup would be my guess. The poster mentioned obsessive compulsive disorder, so your answers there. 👍
deleted by creator
I have to do this when my grandma calls. Not because I have loudspeaker mode on, but because SHE has, but still talks with it against her face so she comes out extremely loudly on my end.
You know you can lower the volume right?
That’s how loud their grandma is , they had it on silent.
Maybe I should be single, but this is my preferred way to speak on the phone when I’m not bothering anyone, and the enviornment is relatively quiet. It frees up my hands for a better range of motion if I’m doing anything else, and it removes my common accidental hang-up when my ear or face touches the display.
If the environment becomes noisy or people are around, I of course switch back to old-school DJ-gesture phone call mode.
Why are you holding it up to your face? I use speaker too if I’m busy and my hands are full but i put it down on a table. This has no advantage, you still have to hold it
I sometimes move around in my house while talking, since I’m a nervous guy when it comes to phone calls. Having the phone at chest or waist level makes it a lot quicker to change hands or even use lower arms or elbows to hold things or open doors or whatever. It’s just less constraining, even if it’s marginal.
I’m more concerned about that man bun tbh.
ITT a bunch of fucking losers claiming to have hearing problems and would rather be a dick in public than invest in proper headphones.
Note on the claim part, I don’t believe a fraction of the assholes here, just trying to justify their assholery. People with legitimate hearing issues tend to accept the support technology that’s readily available these days. I spend quite a bit of time around folks who are actually hard of hearing.
Add to that the amount of headphones out there that do help with various ear issues is growing and the prices are not that heavy.
They have bone conduction ear phones now that can be picked up online. Your skull can hear for you now.
They have bone conduction ear phones now that can be picked up online
Yo, that’s dope. As someone who is partially deaf, but mostly hears fine, I’m curious about this.
Even if they do have hearing issues, a phone pressed against your ear will sound much louder with much greater clarity compared to the speaker mode.
I have hearing problems
I bring headphones everywhere
When someone calls and I expect it to be 60 seconds or less, I don’t wanna go fumbling in my bag for 30 seconds to find the headphones and spend another 20 making sure they hook up to my phone properly.
Plus, idk about hearing issues, but I have epilepsy and my seizures increase when I have long calls with the phone against my face OR with TWS earbuds in, which can apparently (and not too uncommonly) be triggered by the type of radiation they put off, even though it’s at very low levels. But just 3 inches further from my face and no problems. I know that’s not why a lot of people do it, and I still try not to in public, but there are various reasons that someone might.
I am sure this will get downvoted to the lowest level of hell, but when it comes to people doing this without a medical reason/just based on preference, I also just don’t know why a minor annoyance triggers such major anger in others. If I’m on a train for an hour and someone is talking the whole time, that’s annoying no matter how they’re doing it. If I pass someone on speaker in the grocery store, I don’t really let that 12 seconds affect the rest of my day, certainly not enough to harbor such hot feelings about it.
Pizza eaters are rude as hell, too. I’d guarantee that there’s significant overlap with the people who play music in public from their shitty phone speaker.
Yeah, they have statistically significant above average slapability ratio as well.
Is “pizza eater” a slang term for something or do you just hate anyone who eats pizza in public for some reason?
I’m referring to the way they hold their phone.
Wow I’m an idiot, thanks for clarifying :)
I do this a lot (not in public) because it’s way too easy to hang up with your ear and it fatigues my arm after like half an hour. It’s fine as long as you don’t shout into the phone.
Hal… Half an hour?
That’s like almost thirty entite minutes strung together. Jesus Christ how???
I’d be more concerned about the Rey Skywalker man-bun.
Imagine being so superficial that this represents a real concern
It’s a bit harder when you started your relationship before smartphones (yes there are people that old)
I keep telling my wife not to do that and just talk normally because the microphone is designed for that … instead, when I call her, I know she’s holding the phone like this because it sounds like someone is shouting at me.
How do I use the phone and microphone to talk to people on my smartphone? … simple … I don’t, ever.
Related: Why exactly has every person >60 years old started wandering around in public having loud conversations on speaker phone?
Hearing problems. Easier to listen with both ears.
I don’t mean to be rude, and I totally understand if it works better to use a speakerphone (some people have ear issues and can’t have things pressing against their ears). But if the issue is a phone is only held against one ear, can’t you use headphones or earphones that also transmit sounds to both ears?
Man bun and v-neck weren’t helping the case.
I feel personally attacked
As well you should.
In my defense, I’ve had a phone hang up or do weird stuff because it couldn’t tell the difference between a fingertip and an earlobe way too many times. Like, a shitty phone has nearly altered the course of my life because of this, and that’s not okay.
Been using touchscreen phones for 13 years now and never once had anything like this happen.