Apps and websites that use artificial intelligence to undress women in photos are soaring in popularity, according to researchers.
In September alone, 24 million people visited undressing websites, according to the social network analysis company Graphika.
Many of these undressing, or “nudify,” services use popular social networks for marketing, according to Graphika. For instance, since the beginning of this year, the number of links advertising undressing apps increased more than 2,400% on social media, including on X and Reddit, the researchers said. The services use AI to recreate an image so that the person is nude. Many of the services only work on women.
These apps are part of a worrying trend of non-consensual pornography being developed and distributed because of advances in artificial intelligence — a type of fabricated media known as deepfake pornography. Its proliferation runs into serious legal and ethical hurdles, as the images are often taken from social media and distributed without the consent, control or knowledge of the subject.
Pandora’s Box is already opened, unfortunately. The Streisand Effect is only going to make this worse.
This article seems to imply that this cat can go back in the bag. I’m not at all sure about that.
If they put the cat in the bag I can just use one of these handy apps to make the bag disappear again.
Yet another way to free the pussy.
This will get bloody. Some western woman and teenager will running the gauntlet of harassment and embarrassment. Some will even suicide because of those fake photos. In other parts of the world, where father and brothers kill family members for shame, it might be even a bloodbath. Imagine living as a woman under a patriarchate where you get in trouble when a curl of hair is visible. Now imagine there are fake nudes about you while you are surrounded by religious fanatics who have a deep routed history of shame and family honour. Look at Mia Khalifa. Woman will die because of this and the backward archaic anachronistic worldview of some insecure weak man.
On the plus side, this will be the death knell for those sorts of extreme cultures. It’ll be impossible for them to survive and still have these kinds of hangups in a world where such mortal offences are present everywhere you look.
It’ll be a nasty path getting there, unfortunately.
Nowhere in the article did it mention what the apps were. I’d just like to know what they are so I can avoid them.
Dude… this isn’t the place for attempted humor.
Simps, fucking things up for everyone as usual.
It’ll work in their favour eventually. There won’t be any more revenge porn because it can just be dismissed as fake immediately.
This panic over fake porn is the wrong response. In fact, encourage it, make it so ubiquitous that there is always fake porn of everyone, everywhere and nobody gives two shits about nude leaks or revenge porn any more.
Another day another puritan panic
Yes we should ban open source and consumer gfx cards and everything else to stop the possibility that someone might have a sexual thought -in fact all humans should be blinded at birth to avoid this!
Won’t someone think of the children!!!
Okay, so we need to get unique codes tattooed onto our genitals. That way if your nudes show up, you can always know for sure if they’re real or fake (and, importantly, who tf leaked your nudes)
How would you know who did it with such a code?
Also it only works once since you need to reveal the true code to dispute the picture
Public key in a pubic place?
Pubic key, clearly.
Or who knows, maybe nudity will cease to be taboo when everyone can see everyone else naked anyway.
So basically how it is outside of America?
Why would you willingly forfeit plausible deniability?