FCC chair wants to boost broadband standard to 100Mbps::First refresh of minimums in eight years for the country that invented the internet
FCC chair wants to boost broadband standard to 100Mbps::First refresh of minimums in eight years for the country that invented the internet
In rural areas, yes.
In cities, Gigabit internet is abundant and only mildly expensive. Here in Phoenix I pay $60/mo for 1 Gbps down, 50 Mbps up with no bandwidth cap from Verizon. Not the best but far from “awful”.
I live in a major metropolitan city in the us and I pay close to $200 a month for gig down and less than 100up.
You might not have to. Look into fixed 5G internet. So long as you have a view of a tower (which you should in a major metropolitan city; I’m in suburbia and still have 3 within view), speeds and latency are as good as a wired connection. I’d look into it.
I have to run my own cell tower because I live in a literal dead zone.
That sucks. Happens when there’s no competition in your area. Verizon is $60 for 1Gbps here, no data cap, because they have to compete with Cox. Greedy bastards.