Why? This doesn’t impact her at all, it just gives the staff on the yacht one more thing to deal with.
I also have to wonder if they bought that paint at Walmart for some good irony. 
You ever had someone scratch your car?.. Now imagine that your car costs like 50 million dollars and the scratch won’t just buff out.
I don’t have a full time staff to manage my car, and fresh paint can either come off with that hose they are using, or maybe some polishing compound, it’s not like they need to rebuild the boat. It’s just paint. It doesn’t even need to be cleaned off to still enjoy the yacht.
It’s about the message. There are only so many peaceful ways to protest and this is not the worse one for sure.
Not to defend anyone here, but this is about the worst form of protest ever. They do this little stunt, honest working people on that boat will have to clean it up and they end up being paraded on the internet for about a day and that’s it. Nothing changes. People will still buy at Wallmart and consume cheap easily available products. Simple as that.
Well for one she will have to pay to have it cleaned… If I’ve learned anything about greedy dragons hoarding wealth; they hate paying for anything, especially shit they didn’t have to before. (I.e. taxes, invoices from contractors, employee Healthcare, etc)
This assumes the people cleaning it weren’t already being paid as the full time staff on the yacht, which I think is likely. If she does have to pay something, it seems like would be a rounding error.
Would be wild to watch it sink.
Yes, pollute the ocean. That will help to fight climate change. /s
Eat the rich
But eat them already. All you do is throw salt over them until they’re too salty. I’d like to have 2 legs, small freezer, you know.
Oh no. Paint. I’m sure she will learn from this.
Nothing points out a hypocrite as much as protest against mass consumption in mass produced shoes and attire. If you have issue with big corporations, buy local and small manufacturers. That’s it. If you have issues with salaries, unionize. This stunt does nothing other than point out how sheltered some people are.