I love how often a sample leads me to listen to something I never would have otherwise. There was a torrent floating around that had all the songs Beastie Boys sampled for Paul’s Boutique, it was fantastic.
I love how often a sample leads me to listen to something I never would have otherwise. There was a torrent floating around that had all the songs Beastie Boys sampled for Paul’s Boutique, it was fantastic.
Huge amounts of English vocabulary came to us through French. English shares structure with Germanic languages, and retains some vocabulary, but a lot of what remains is considered the “vulgar” term for a thing, while the Romance-root word is the “proper” one. Largely thanks to the Norman conquest if I recall. French was the court language.
If I’m misremembering I’m sure someone will correct me. It’s been 20+ years since I took Latin 😂
This is also why, to me, rapidly spoken natural Spanish and Japanese sound oddly similar if I hear it out of “the corner” of my ear, so to speak.
Which is funny cause I kinda speak Spanish lol
Literally. The Mayflower settlers moved into a town that had recently been wiped out by disease. People were still mourning in nearby communities when they just walzed in.
But I’ve watched The Good Place like at least 5 times, that’s gotta be worth a 101 credit
Take those write-offs where you can, I get it
Honestly, no to vigilantes. Lots of people like to talk big shit about murdering sex traffickers and pedophiles but that’s not the answer.
No, no, let him go for it. This should be fun.
Maybe they’re more like skeletons than zombies, who’s to say they’re infectious?
If we were talking about the normal version where one perspective does see 4 sides and the other 3, then I’d agree. But right wingers often completely ignore science and facts for what they feel is right - despite loudly claiming the opposite. They’re simply wrong about any number of things, from economics to gender studies to climate change, but they insist on their positions because of how they feel on a fundamental level - that all the common-sense folks around them think this way, their preacher thinks this way, and they don’t trust anyone they haven’t personally encountered long enough to understand. Time and time again, science has disproven explicitly conservative viewpoints, from race biology to Social Darwinism to climate change and so on. But they double down because to change their perspectives risks alienating their peers, or even worse, possibly damning them to Hell.
That’s why I said what I did. Liberals are a pain in the ass and generally incapable of accomplishing much of value, but at least they typically welcome new data that may contradict a previously-held position.
For when I want to riot and Rancid doesn’t do it, I go for RATM - “Maggie’s Farm”.
If I really need to bang my head menacingly, Melvins - “A History of Bad Men”
When I wanna feel like an immortal skeleton beast stalking a Mad Max world, KMFDM - “Hyena”
What it feels like having a conversation with conservatives
Fortunately, there’s really nowhere for them to go except I guess Dota2, that’s still around, right?
Maybe they’d end up being toxic Stardew Valley players 😂
I went digging, I know I have one somewhere of a panel schedule that was downright incomprehensible. If it turns up I’ll follow up :)
I had a little Mazda B2200 truck for a while. The gauges didn’t work so I had no idea how much gas I had, how hot it was, or how fast I was going. And it leaked everything, gas included. Thing only actually got me to where I was going half the time.
Gave it to a friend and he fixed it up
As an electrician in the South, I’ve seen spelling you people wouldn’t believe.
Honestly, he’s going downhill fast. Not that he was ever very uphill. But still, his faculties clearly aren’t improving.
Group chats >>>>> social media
Yeah tbh I’ve never really seen anyone successfully quit through vaping. Nicotine pouches or lozenges are much more effective imo.
I’m sure there are plenty of exceptions, but like you said, the vast majority of people vaping are just maintaining.