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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I mean, that’s the best the West has got. Everywhere else, social security is considerably worse and means-tested. Plus, both have got right-wing governments that aren’t exactly fans of social security: the last right-wing Finnish government introduced an ”activation” system for unemployment which was so bureaucratic a lot of people’s benefits were cut for not being able to jump through arbitary hoops, and they’re bringing a similar system back, as well as cutting many, more focused benefits. What @[email protected] said also applies here, since the whole welfare state only exists due to the CIA funding social democrats during the Cold War as a counter to socialism.

    There’s many more factors to consider than whether or not a country is AuThOrItArIaN. A country living off the backs of the global south can give its citizens a better standard of living than countries in the global south? Surprised Pikachu.

  • This time you’re conflating allowing an entity into a group with endorsing a specific characteristic of that entity.

    It kind of is. Would they have allowed a communist nation to join? I highly doubt it. They could’ve easily said, ”no, you’re fascists, go away.” It’s not like getting fucking Portugal to join was essential.

    Also you’re still keeping the whole “if they did so half a century ago, they approve of that kind of thing now” angle.

    Hungary and Poland are not exactly democratic. You could even go as far as to say they’re ruled by fascists.

    The only situation were that wouldn’t be a falacy is if it was an organisation explicitly about that characteristic - i.e. an Association Of Democratic Nations - which let in a country with opposite characteristics, which is not the case here since NATO is a military alliance.

    I would agree with this, because at face value it’s true. Liberals are always calling NATO a group of civilized, European, democratic nations though, so you can’t have it both ways.

  • Are you seriously saying that the Iraq War was anything but a major fuckup by the US? Sure, they can elect their own leaders for a massively corrupt government, and many people are suffering because after the US invasion a lot of infrastructure was privatized in suspect deals. Iraq still can’t produce as much electricity as before the war. Listen to Blowback season one if you want some real info on the buildup and the war.

    You’re right in that there are a few million Iraqis that don’t have to worry anymore. That might be because they’re dead, but semantics 😉

  • I don’t feel like I’m smart, I’d save average at best…but I truly do feel like the majority of the general public that I am around is less intelligent than I am

    Why would that make sense? Yuki has 2 points this season, Perez has 5 podiums and like 156 points. Why would RB downgrade MASSIVELY?

    lmao, I really am dealing with a bona fide genius here.

    A guy driving for the best team in F1 has more points than someone driving for fucking Alpha Tauri? 😲