$60 for a public domain bible, public domain constitution, public domain pledge of allegiance, and public domain declaration of independence? Sounds like an infinite order of magnitude expensive to me.
Yeah but not that much money. First run hardcover novels cost like 15-25 bucks and it’s my understanding they earn the publisher the most money of any printing run and that’s even with the cut going to the author. So unless they’re producing these things with some high quality materials, which seeing who’s hawking these I doubt it, I think it safe to assume these things are earning at least 40 bucks in profit per sale.
Which, even assuming a generously low run of 100k, is still $4 mil. That assumes that Evangelical churches won’t buy these by the millions - and I assure you, many will.
You’ll also get megachurches getting in on the action - there are a scary amount of mega pastors who are just waiting to be the new face of propaganda for a theocratic regime.
$60 for a public domain bible, public domain constitution, public domain pledge of allegiance, and public domain declaration of independence? Sounds like an infinite order of magnitude expensive to me.
heads up i don’t think you know what orders of magnitude means
Their use of it seems no more objectionable than yours.
Printing it costs money. Not much but some.
Yeah but not that much money. First run hardcover novels cost like 15-25 bucks and it’s my understanding they earn the publisher the most money of any printing run and that’s even with the cut going to the author. So unless they’re producing these things with some high quality materials, which seeing who’s hawking these I doubt it, I think it safe to assume these things are earning at least 40 bucks in profit per sale.
Which, even assuming a generously low run of 100k, is still $4 mil. That assumes that Evangelical churches won’t buy these by the millions - and I assure you, many will.
You’ll also get megachurches getting in on the action - there are a scary amount of mega pastors who are just waiting to be the new face of propaganda for a theocratic regime.
They see the clerics of Saudi Arabia and want to be that family here