Superfreighters are among the most efficient form of transport. It can be more eco friendly to import even fresh water than using difficult to access water.
Same goes for exotic fruit, like tomatoes etc.
Yet they contribute more to emissions than cars ever could. A single trip across the world outputs more emissions than all the cars in the world in a single year. Except there are dozens of those ships making trips daily.
In other words you taking your bike over your car makes virtually zero difference in the grand scheme. If everyone stopped driving cars over night the effect it would have would only be a tiny percentage of what shipping freighters contribute.
Mate, you should leave your emotions out of these kind of discussions. It’ll just have the opposite effect of what you’d like. Please stick to the facts.
Cool. Meanwhile cruise ships and shipping boats continue to contribute to the vast majority of emissions.
As long as they continue to exists it will make zero difference what kind of car or bike you drive.
Planes. Look at co2 equivalent, not co2. Altitude matters.
Superfreighters are among the most efficient form of transport. It can be more eco friendly to import even fresh water than using difficult to access water. Same goes for exotic fruit, like tomatoes etc.
Yet they contribute more to emissions than cars ever could. A single trip across the world outputs more emissions than all the cars in the world in a single year. Except there are dozens of those ships making trips daily.
In other words you taking your bike over your car makes virtually zero difference in the grand scheme. If everyone stopped driving cars over night the effect it would have would only be a tiny percentage of what shipping freighters contribute.
Do you have a source to back that up? Because I have one that says the opposite.
Mate, you should leave your emotions out of these kind of discussions. It’ll just have the opposite effect of what you’d like. Please stick to the facts.
Yes for Sulfur derivates and nitrous oxigens but no for CO2. The biggest contributord to CO2 emissions are electricity production and traffic.
Vast majority?
it’s 3% you mong, get your hyperbolic attitude away from this thread.