I’m going to miss AITA. Even if someone makes it a community, it will take a long time to populate.
/r/AskHistorians - ruthlessly and efficiently moderated, but every single post a fascinating read. I should msg Zukhov to see if he wants to move ship to /c/AskHistorians.
Really going to miss my local subreddit.
We had a weekly rant thread and it was funny just seeing neighbors talk smack or bitch about silly little things.
Not a subreddit, exactly, but I’m going to miss /u/poem_for_your_sprog and /u/Schnoodle_Doodle_Do. They made browsing so much better - I loved unexpectedly coming across one of their poems.
the watercolor one as well, so much great stuff
I miss u/shittymorph but the legend will live forever even though he retired in 1998 when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table."[2]
r/StupidFood, I need my daily dose of stupid and disgusting food videos :(
Honestly, I think the more reliable curated information will be what I miss the most. I almost always append a Google search with “Reddit” - because the information and format are so much more reliable than the bot populated garbage sites.
Also, niche porn subs. 🫡
I mostly will miss being able to google something and adding “reddit” to my search to search for public opinion on day to day issues and problems.
I’m gonna miss none of them because they will all come here
all of the weird, super-specific cute pages. illegallysmolcats, illegallysmoldogs, airplaneears, attackeyes, puppybellies, oneorangebraincell, stealthbombers, scrunge, peanutwhiskers, toebeans, whatswrongwithyourcat, crabcats, huskytantrums.
I… may have an addiction.
Definitely r/BestOfRedditorUpdates
I’m really worried for those who use third party apps and depend on r/stopdrinking. That community single-handedly helped me get sober.
I fear that someone who is on the brink of breaking sobriety and wants to reach out on r/stopdrinking, not being able to access it from the app they normally use would be just enough of a hurdle for them to give in and start drinking again.
Makes me really sad to think about since it can be a dark place and the people there are so genuinely caring.
artisanvideos. I love a good japanese watch maker making a wooden cabinet in a rainforest with rocks as tools.
Not ashamed to say trashyboners. Someone’s gotta stand up for the trash of this world.
I’m going to miss a lot of the hobby subs like r/Unclebens and r/datahoarder but I’m excited to see how they grow here
Call me a doomer if you want, but i think we’re gonna be way fucked a lot sooner than expected climate-wise
People talk about “collapse” since I remember yet we are still here. Thinking about that changes nothing but instead makes you depressed. I don’t see a reason to miss such community.
Even if you’re not a big doomer, apocalypse theorizing and even planning/preparation can actually be fun and, if you’re the kind of person to worry about that stuff, lower your stress. Feeling prepared for an emergency can reduce the amount of distress it causes, especially if you’re already aware of the risk of the emergency.
Put differently: if you’re concerned about the oncoming climate disaster, and find it causes you mental anguish, then you can either sit around and read more about doom, or you can find ways to release some of that tension. One possible way is to feel as if you’re becoming as prepared as you reasonably can. This is much like, say, learning to swim because you’re going on a boat. Yes, you probably won’t fall in the water, but I bet you’ll be much less scared of what might happen if you do.
Prepping and related stuff is indeed fun and useful but r/collapse wasn’t about that at all.
Perhaps not. I pretty much never frequented it, the only stuff I ever saw on the sub was from specific searches so I know it had that kind of content on occasion. Now I can’t open it to see, haha
Supposing that we’ll always be here because… we’ve always been here is exactly the kind of thinking that’s fucked our species.
The fact alone that more people aren’t concerned over the fact that we’ve passed +1.5C in La Nina years even with aersol masking is horrifying. Look up ‘blue ocean event’ or ‘clathrate gun’ or actually learn about the increasing ocean acidification or the break down of the jet stream and if you’re any kind of intelligent at all (which your comment has me highly doubting) you’ll see a reason to miss such a community. It sounds like you’re just another one of those who’d rather stick their head in the sand and worship your monied betters, though.
Classic reddit migrant moment insulting other people’s intelligence. I won’t even reply to your arguments. Go back to shitditt as it’s already up again.
I had mixed results with the community. I got some great articles that I was able to share to raise awareness, some great book recommendations for everything from coping with stress to fiction to distract myself to useful sustainability topics.
But it also wreaked havoc on my mental health overall and I got downvoted for trying to find environmental communities that werent just big corporations in disguise or ineffective at their goals.
Overall definitely not going to miss it but a community that isn’t afraid to talk about collapse while still trying to find some solutions (even if just small individual solutions) would be welcome imo.
I’m going to miss r/hexandcounter. Wargaming is already a niche genre of boardgaming and the hex and counter is even further niche