As an indigenous person who grew up without running water or modern plumbing for the first ten years of my life in Canada … I always appreciated this quote …
Will Durant Quote: “From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.”
Water, electricity, or both?
Water, electrical, sewer, gas, trash, internet, cable, mail, plumbing, drywall, stairs, air. It’s all the government man.
Offgrid Internet… Hmmmm
They mean having a lan with your friends
Water, electricity and gas but I am sure this type of problem is present in many other sectors.
so you’re saying a fire sale is coming… got it
As an indigenous person who grew up without running water or modern plumbing for the first ten years of my life in Canada … I always appreciated this quote …
Will Durant Quote: “From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.”