Banning elbows not being allowed on the table and hats not being allowed indoors are also wins for me
Elbows have always been allowed on the table. The rule for fancy dining was that you couldn’t have elbows on the table during a course, i.e., when people are actively eating, but before/after, it’s fine. That’s a reasonable rule to be considerate of space.
Never been an issue for me. The issue would be invading someone’s personal space. Maybe we just have bigger tables where I live.
Exactly. Food on the table? Elbows off. It’s simple.
Respect. Culture. Table manners.
Take your pick.Edit. Personal eating space is probably the most realistic answer.
If you have a large number of people eating in comparison to the size of the table, and the table is already covered in food, the only place on the table to put your elbows is in other people’s personal space.
The rule should be “no elbows right next to someone else’s food” but neurotypicals are terrible at communicating due to their underdeveloped social skills and empathy.
People other than you, who are not “neurotypicals” whatever tf that even means, are able to accomplish seating large amounts of people at a table and use basic table manners just fine. It’s just common courtesy.
Yes, neurotypicals are indeed able to have large family dinners. But they have to do it using table manners as a crutch. They can’t just have an honest conversation about what’s really necessary, they need to rely on this social construct to tell people what to do without explaining why. It’s a great weakness. If only the average person weren’t so afraid to introspect and to question why we do things.
Tell me you have autism without telling me you have autism.
Well it’s never been an issue in any space I’ve eaten in, so I think you’re wrong.
Good to know you’ve never sat at a table with a lot of people, I guess? Or next to an opposite handed person.
If elbows aren’t allowed on a table during a course of a fancy dinner, they have definitely not always been allowed on the table.
I like the way we don’t have to wear petticoats under our dresses anymore.
I mean doesn’t everyone still at least wear the stretchy shorts under their dress? Like I’m not going just panties. That seems so lewd.
As someone who can’t sit straight I only wore shorts and trousers until I learnt this trick in my twenties. While I personally don’t find it lewd, other people clearly do and I get so pissed off every time someone feels the need to inform me that they’ve been looking up my skirt.
all ya’ll admitting to ironing your clothes in the comments are a bunch of dweebs, just saying.
Said ye who has not experienced Extreme Ironing.
…but then your clothes might look like you’ve worn them before.
What are you? Poor?
Now everyone’s poor, so it’s okay.
I just buy new clothes every time.
As a millennial I still iron some clothes, especially for occasions I wanna look nice! I even got a Lil ironing board for it :3
This achievement belongs to the tail end of GENX… The folks that brought us grunge.
We are considered a micro-generation they have dubbed Xennials 1977-1983
Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood.
I remember always wearing wrinkled shirts back then because I didn’t care about ironing or society.
I did that in the military. They were less keen and some shit hit some fans or whatever. So I got me some safety pins for my neckline and they shut the fuck up and my millennial self rejoiced.
How does this safety pin trick work?
Anyone who said shit, he poked them with it.
Im a geriatric millennial
Close enough. You can come in the club. There’s dunkaroos in the back if you’re hungry.
I thought they discontinued dunkaroos, but then my wife came home with a box of them for my kids.
I tried one (disgusting); I remember them being a lot better.
Hard to tell if it is actually worse or a false memory, because they originally came out when garbage sugar-laced food science was really taking off targeting the younger demographic.
They have 100% gotten worse. The quality of everything has dropped in the last 20+ years.
I keep having this argument with my mom. She keeps trying to tell me it’s because I’m older and my taste bus have changed. I’ll admit my preference in flavor may have broadened but all my favorite snacks and candy from the late 80s and early 90s have been terribly inshitafide. My absolute favorite was skittles. The apple ruined them but then they finally caved and put lime back in only to change the receipt altogether which ruined them a second time. At least one of the ingredients is illegal in most countries at this point.
Looks like there’s a box of YoYo Balls. Can I have a go?
Oh for sure, those are a communal resource.
Fuck. I played so much with both of those things.
I’m gonna be the Debbie downer and mention that no-iron clothes have synthetics in them, the washing of which is a major contributor to the microplastics problem.
no-iron clothes have synthetics in them
most my clothing is 100% cotton, and I have never ironed once I left my parent’s home.
Lol who said anything about specific garments? We just wear our clothes wrinkled and no one cares. My linen shirts looked wrecked for an hour or so and then the wrinkles fall out, for instance.
Yeah that’s linen for you. People don’t wear it much anymore sadly so they don’t get that they just look wrinkled. I love linen shirts though.
I have never even heard of “no iron clothes” until now, and I haven’t ironed any of my clothes except when I absolutely had to do it because I was in the Marines.
No iron clothes is a lie. They say no iron on the label in the store, but they tell you to iron in on the care label.
Hanging them up wet rather than putting them in the dryer will get most wrinkles out, especially if you smooth/stretch the collar, placket and cuffs
True, but tires are way, way worse.
You must look fucking stupid wearing tyres
No wrinkles in the shirt though.
All clothes are no-iron clothes if you DGAF enough :)
My people.
This is the way.
All you gotta do it hang the shirts up, guys. That’s it.
Clearly you’ve never bought linen :p
Linen is supposed to be wrinkly, that’s why it’s so cool. It lets the breeze get between you and the fabric. Just hang it up wet, giving a few strategic tugs to smooth it out, especially the collar.
I love that we are arguing about laundry on Lemmy. The thread above this there are so many angry downvotes.
But make sure you do so quickly after the dryer is done. Otherwise they’ll cool down and the creases will set.
I’d rather not follow any advice you give. Thanks.
That’s a bit rude, innit?
If I have to choose between keeping nature around and not having to buy an iron again, is gonna be a tough choice.
you can do both if you just choose not to care about wrinkled clothes.
Yeah nah by now ironing I mean I do not iron unless it’s a fancy event, regardless of the fabric lol
Ironing clothes died long before millennials. Grandma quit ironing before you were born. Wrinkle Free shirts and pants started showing up in the 1970’s and were common within the decade.
Source: I was there.
Yep, old shirts came out of the wash looking like a fucking Calabi-Yau manifold, even casual wear.
Last time I ironed something was for a job interview
It’s understandable they’d want to see your technique.
Ironing seems like it’d be a really chill and relaxing activity, if we had time to engage in it.
It is But only for men
This was my first thought. “Ironing?! Ain’t nobody got time for that!” It would probably be nice though.
It’s like gardening/lawn care for me. I like doing it, but I hate having to do it or else.
It is, if you don’t have to do it all the damn time. If you just iron your clothes when you want/need to, it’s an enjoyable chore.
Would’ve thought we have more leisure time today than back in yee olden ironing thymes
I own an iron because after washing fabric, it gets wrinkles.
Do you know how much a pain in the ass it is to sew wrinkled fabric? Flat and smooth is the easiest way to do that.
I just run anything wrinkled through the dryer for about 10 minutes.
Just like that grandma looks like she is 25 again
Hopefully none of you are using suits lol
Suits are only for special occasions, and even then I’m going to get it dry cleaned and they can worry about ironing in the bastard.
Suits and other “nice” clothes are designed to enforce class separation. Reject them. Although you should probably wear them to a funeral or wedding anyway, out of respect.
Or wear them to kink spaces, because dominating class separation is part of the game.
In Silicon Valley it’s the the other way around. The wealthier someone is the sloppier they dress.
Oh shut it. Wear whatever you like.
Idk I like to wear nice clothes. Right clothes for the right occasion of course
Iron a wool suit?
My wool suit pants can be ironed on low. And my shirt definitely needs to be ironed. Just check the label first
Ironing kills bacteria, but if you somehow else do thermal treatment of clothes, then fine.
Hang them in the sun, the UV radiation kills most of the germs
I bought an ironing board and an iron when I moved into my current home thinking “yeah, I have some shirts, I’ll iron them when I need them”.
That was 3 years ago. The ironing board was put into a corner out of sight and the iron is still in its original packaging, unopened to this day. I’m trying to justify my purchase with “better to have it and not need it than the other way around”.
I justify any purchase that I regret as “investment”. In 50 years, it will sure be worth at least 10x!
My parents bought me one when I moved out. Kept it around boxed for 5 years before throwing it out unused. If you care my clothing is wrinkled, I will never respect you.
Bragging about wasting a perfectly good tool (and a gift) that you were too stupid to figure out how to use. Then, to mask your embarrassment, you try to put blame onto those who do understand the purpose of an iron.
Grow up.
Nothing about their comment outlined that they didn’t know how to use it. But that they never did use it.
Nothing about their comment eludes to any fact that they’re embarrassed at all. They posted it publicly and directly with not reservation which is the opposite of “embarrassed”.
They didn’t blame anyone for anything related to the iron itself. But for shallow intentions if they care at all about the clothes that they wear. Which I can understand and agree with to some extent.
You on the other hand… You’re a jackass. Lots of insinuations, lots of assumptions. Just to put down some random person on the internet for not wanting a fucking iron that probably was the 20$ special at wally world.
Hopefully you donated it, instead of just throwing it directly in the dumpster.
There’s still people who use them and not all of those people can afford one.
Sometimes I iron. Someone mentioned school uniform and yes.
But mainly I look at say a t-shirt and go “Meh” shrug and throw it on. Bang a leather jacket on and nobody knows it’s wrinkled and they fall out.
Now we’re having our 1 week of summer in the UK I’m having to iron my t-shirts because it’s too hot for my jacket, but it’s only a week.
as a swede i am legally obligated to vomit at the idea of school uniforms
I hate them too but unfortunately the vast majority of schools require them. It pisses me off how much time and energy is spent enforcing meaningless rules.
I am not Swedish, but I would like to join you in the procedure of vomiting at the idea.
Nothing like making the masses complacent since childhood by controlling nonessential fashion choices.
The good thing is that you don’t have all these toxic, wealth-dependent, brand-indoctrinating capitalist, environmentally destructive fast fashion pressures for kids.
Choosing to wear my favourite color to school isn’t “brand indoctrination”. It is called being a free individual. If parents can refuse to buy their kids non essential, unaffordable electronics they can refuse to buy them fast fashion branded clothing. The solution to capitalism being shit isn’t simply eliminating choice.