• Donkter@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Shrooms are definitely the ones that take you on a trip instead of you tripping on them if you take enough. I’ve found that I’ve been incapable of having a bad time on acid generally, although I’ve heard of bad trips so I remain cautious taking it.

    • fukurthumz420@lemmy.world
      3 days ago

      oh trust me, you can have bad trips on acid way easier than shrooms. acid gets pretty intense and is very mental, whereas, mushrooms are generally a good vibe. i recommend both though.

      i could tell you some bad trip stories, though.

      • Donkter@lemmy.world
        3 days ago

        I mean it’s definitely up to the person. Every time I’ve taken acid I’ve had the realization “oh yeah, it’s impossible to be sad on acid” again, maybe that will change, I’ve heard the stories.

        Whereas part of one of my best mushroom trips involved me thinking about an ex and allowing the emotions to overwhelm me and allowing myself to sob and wallow in the memory.

        Maybe it’s that when an acid trip is “bad” it’s generally a bad time and the fun is over for the rest of the trip, where bad feelings on a mushroom trip can be therapeutic and don’t necessarily sour the overall experience.

        • fukurthumz420@lemmy.world
          3 days ago

          yes. intense emotional trips can very much be a thing on mushrooms, and that can be very therapeutic. bad trips on acid usually involve some kind of logic breakdown, where some kind of delusion enters into your mind and dominates your thoughts. i’ve had delusions of grandeur and also paranoid delusions. they all made me stronger as a person, but the paranoid delusions were pretty intense and also fucking terrifying.

    • Starayo@lemm.ee
      5 days ago

      I had a similar experience. Acid was chill. Felt great, music was wonderful. Snapped me out of my depression enough to make an appointment with my psychiatrist and get back on treatment. Downside was how long it lasts, mostly after you’ve come down and are unable to sleep for ages.

      Shrooms, on the other hand… I remember rolling on the floor, chewing on my desk, and completely forgetting who I was - but I could sort of remember a friend of mine who had amnesia from a bad motor accident, so I reasoned that I must be them. Plus I felt nauseous the whole time. Maybe a lower dosage would have been better but it’s not like I was trying to take enough to see god or anything. People react differently to everything, after all.

      Wasn’t traumatic or anything, but wasn’t helpful either. It was an interesting experience to have but I would not want to repeat it.