Low effort high sentence crime like credit card or check fraud. Represent yourself in court and be a complete ass to maximize the jury’s dislike of you, no sob stories reveal zero empathy for what you did. Try to find that sweet spot between minimum security prison, but long sentencing. Make a friend in jail and start a “fight” with them the day before your probation hearing or something to extend the behavior without angering the guards/warden too much?
It’s a pretty high risk low reward strategy, but the risk is mostly because it’s hard to get into a “good prison”. Also make sure you do it in a state with free prison, some states are pay-to-stay prison, though I guess that could open the opportunity for loan fraud and another sentence if you do get out?
Similar thing for me, i learned about a month or so ago that prisoners are forced to work. I always thought it was a choice, no no no. If you dont work you can be punished in jail for not being the proper slave that you are.
Work can actually be a very good approach for resocialiding inmates. However, this only works if its done right. In Germany you can actually learn a new job while being in prison so that you actually have a chance to find a job ANF make money when you come out of prison. You can also get some money from the work you did on the day you leave so this is a great opportunity for inmate to get back into society and not being forced to do crimes for a living.
Low effort high sentence crime like credit card or check fraud. Represent yourself in court and be a complete ass to maximize the jury’s dislike of you, no sob stories reveal zero empathy for what you did. Try to find that sweet spot between minimum security prison, but long sentencing. Make a friend in jail and start a “fight” with them the day before your probation hearing or something to extend the behavior without angering the guards/warden too much?
It’s a pretty high risk low reward strategy, but the risk is mostly because it’s hard to get into a “good prison”. Also make sure you do it in a state with free prison, some states are pay-to-stay prison, though I guess that could open the opportunity for loan fraud and another sentence if you do get out?
That sounds utterly evil
I just learned this the other month. It is so fucked up.
Similar thing for me, i learned about a month or so ago that prisoners are forced to work. I always thought it was a choice, no no no. If you dont work you can be punished in jail for not being the proper slave that you are.
So much of our justice system would fix itself overnight if we overhauled the 13th amendment which makes inmates legally slaves.
Work can actually be a very good approach for resocialiding inmates. However, this only works if its done right. In Germany you can actually learn a new job while being in prison so that you actually have a chance to find a job ANF make money when you come out of prison. You can also get some money from the work you did on the day you leave so this is a great opportunity for inmate to get back into society and not being forced to do crimes for a living.
I like your idea. Some kind of non-violent high reward fraud. If you don’t get caught, it’s free money. If you do, it’s all part of your plan.