But really, relationships are hard in person, long distance is juat torture.
It’s difficult and painful. You will feel lonely many days, but can’t act upon it because you promised yourself to someone else.
Think how long you will be long distance. Do you really want to live like this for that long?
Do you know each other IRL and are now switching to long distance, or has your entire interaction been online?
I know him for 1year and we are together for 4month… But I’m going to leave for uni in September (so I’ll be in another town)
Of all the people from my freshman year of college who had long distance relationships at the start of the year, none of them were still in those relationships at the end of the year. That’s an incredibly hard / bordering on impossible time to maintain a distant relationship while you’re going through such an exciting time in your life. I’d say set yourselves free.