Shortly before 7 p.m. Tuesday, a volley of rockets lit up the darkened sky over Gaza. Videos analyzed by The Associated Press show one veering off course, breaking up in the air before crashing to the ground.

Seconds later, the videos show a large explosion in the same area – the site of Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital.

Who is to blame for the fiery explosion has set off intense debate and finger pointing between the Israeli government and Palestinian militants, further escalating tensions in their two week-long war.

    1 year ago

    I like how the media for the last few days are making this hospital bombing a big deal.

    Yet, no talk about the bombing of the convey and other hospitals. Or the attacks by both IDF and “settlers” in the west bank. Or the “un accountable support” for “Isreal” and the billion of funds that you would expect would have prevented this from happening.

    If they gave plastenian the money and bought their homes legally that would have been an easier solution. But they don’t even want to do that…