• ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
    9 个月前

    Yup. Quebec is so paranoid that if they don’t force people to speak French with laws and regulations then the language will die out. But French is a globally recognized language spoken in dozens of countries and the UN. Quebec is literally the only French speaking area that says they need to enforce it or it’ll die out.

    My opinion? It’s a more acceptable form of xenophobia. They’re not worried people will stop speaking French. They’re worried about immigration and use language laws as a way to make moving to Quebec seem unappealing.

    • Windows2000Srv@lemmy.ca
      9 个月前

      This government (CAQ) has done many xenophobic thing. Restricting access to services in foreign languages to accommodate new immigrants is probably the best example of that. But this university thing, I don’t think it is. Most of the time, if you go and follow and Bachelor’s degree in another country, then you have to learn the language of that country because not every class is given in English only (of course there’s exceptions, but most of the time it’s like that). And you have to pay a hefty premium to go and educate yourself abroad.

      This situation is way different, studying at university of Toronto is 16 000$ if you are from Ontario and 17 000$ if you are from another province. So it was often cheaper for people to go and study in Québec. This fee raise doesn’t have anything to do with xenophobia or anything, this is merely bring the prices to the “market value”. Yes there’s a bit of language protectionism, but it’s not all that inconvenient, and as someone already said, just trying to learn French is probably sufficient to get around it.

      In short, I agree that there is xenophobic things that happens in Québec. I agree this provincial government doesn’t have a great track record on that front. But this change isn’t motivated by xenophobia, but other reasons. Up to you to decide if they’re valid or not in your opinion.

    • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
      9 个月前

      Speaking of xenophobia, you should look in the mirror.

      Quebec trying to protect its francophone cultural heritage in a whole anglophone continent with so much American cultural influences through media, music and the internet is not xenophobic. It’s actually even a problem that other countries outside North America are facing.

      In really sick and tired of the discrimination of Quebec and French Canadians coming from people like you who twist everything to fit their racist narrative.

      The only reason you’re so mad is that you can’t come live a life here speaking the only language you know, English, and it pisses you off that you have to learn a second language. You simply wish the the French Canadians would finally just all fold over, speak English and the whole French Canadian culture to disappear so it could stop be an inconvenience to you. I think THAT’S pretty xenophobic, actually.