We already passed the tipping point when the permafrost started melting and exploding. It’s going to be an awful ride.
There is multiple tipping points, as counterintuitive as that sounds. Just means there are certain things that cannot be repaired once they are destroyed.
Eventually they will repair themselves. But that will be in thousands of years after we are all long gone.
I imagine the crocodiles will survive.
Humans are so fucking stupid, in general. We deserve to be replaced by something better. It won’t be long. The planet appears to be winding up for another cycle & honestly I can’t fucking wait.
I’ve seen a surprising number of people on Lemmy with this depressing attitude. Not all humans deserve to die just because those in power don’t give a shit about the environment. And unfortunately, we’re not the only ones that will end up dying off. We’ll be taking a massive chunk of the planet with us.
Thanks, I heard of it yet couldn’t find the definition :
Since 1893, the legal definition of the foot in the United States has been based on the meter. The definition adopted at that time was the one specified by Congress in 1866, as 1 foot = 1200/3937 meter exactly (or 1 foot = 0.304 800 6 meter approximately).
And now USA will use :
1 foot = 0.3048m
…much more convenient 😆 !…a simple approximation is 1"≈2½cm, 40"≈1m, 5’≈1½m for quick conversions in your head…
I swear, if those lizard lovers get their state destroyed and leave Georgia more vulnerable I’m gonna be pissed.
Americans reading this: * kalm *
Europeans reading this: * panik *
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We did. Florida decided Bush would be a better president than Gore. Also, ironically, several states had just enough environmentally conscience voters to go Nader over Gore to cost Gore the EC votes in those states.
The 2000 US Presidential election was probably the last chance we had to stop this freight train and we pissed it away with butterfly-ballot shenanigans, a SCOTUS case, and just enough people who voted Nader because they couldn’t hold their nose and vote Gore (though that’s more a failing of our first-past-the-post system as opposed to some sort of ranked-choice voting).
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You’re not even that clever of a troll. Seriously, how do you hope to troll anyone with the retort abilities of a 2nd grader that was held back ten years.
Not sure if trolling or not.
This isn’t a political issue. It never was.
This is a human extinction issue. Everyone is involved and at stake. The rapid warming of earth and everything bad that comes with that is caused by human interactions in the environment. We’ve known about that for years and have done little to prevent it.
Whichever political party has a plan to help address it should be leading or most of us are going to die and have our lives impacted to the point of life being unrecognizable much sooner than expected. Full stop.
So far, only the Democratic and progressive parties in America seems to be willing to try and address this somehow. The other political parties have been on record saying/pretending that what’s happening in front of all of our eyes, isn’t real.
So that’s the best option we’ve got. Even if it’s not perfect.
But don’t pretend that it doesn’t matter who people elect. It shouldn’t, all parties should be working together to address global climate change. But that’s not the reality we live in unfortunately.
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Cool. That helps, appreciate you clarifying you’re just a troll. 😉
Just a reminder that warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico and Southern Atlantic = hurricane fuel. We are lucky El Niño is causing some wind shear in the upper atmosphere to break up the storms… so far. I recommend looking it up if you’re interested. Hurricane season has the potential to be devastating this year if the El Niño cycle weakens.
TDIL El Niño was not just a one time thing
Does TDIL stand for To Day I Learned?
LOL we’ll cut them some slack and say it means This Day I Learned
Yeah I did I triple take lol
I wonder how much longer Florida lasts before being wiped clean off the map like New Orleans…
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If you stick those fingers any farther into your ears they’re going to touch.
It must be hard going through life being this big of a fucking idiot.
You’re literally one of the people in The Day After Tomorrow scoffing at the doomsday rolling down the street.
Maybe read the article before being a total shitass.
While the readings would’ve been considered a possible outlier or sensor error, surrounding buoys recorded similarly high temperatures, with 99.3 F at Murray Key and 98.4 F at Johnson Key.
So, all of them in that area were malfunctioning at the same time?
Yeah thats most likely en error.
Do yoy even know how temperature for buoys is measured? Its measured at 10 feet deep. Have you ever swam to the bottom of the pool and felt it colder? Thats because it is.
If it really was 100 degrees some 3.5m below sea level, then the surface would be way hotter due to sun exposure/radiation. My guess would be basically too hot to touch.
I provide evidence and you give your opinion. Essentially you brought a knife to a gun fight and are bitching about how it made no sense you lost.
edit wording
Okay. You can provide article after article but unless you can help me understand why temperatures 10 feet below the ocean can show near scalding levels i dont care to entertain your rebuttals. Really, this is your opportunity to help me understand.
Provide proof on your take first. Otherwise I will consider you dead on the floor, so unable to offer any knowledge whatsoever.
So i went and looked for it myself since you didnt want to. I found that bouys measure the epipelagical zone which has a usual and average temperature due to several factors (mainly wind and mixing currents). Temperatures usually have a steep decline in temperature when it reaches the thermocline which is what i was referring to earlier. This thermocline actually drops in the summer meaning the epilagical zone has more depth but is generally already lower in costal areas. Here, its not unusual for waters to be between 90F to 104F in the summer. If you want to know more, just google “Surface Sea Temperature In-Situ Methodology”.
So there i didnt your homework for you and i proved myself wrong. Its likely not an error but a usual occurance(maybe even a bit higher than normal).
Props for seeking out answers and sharing
Fuck this is scary. Wish some extreme actions were being taken for this extreme situation.
Oil and gas companies are awesome at branding. We need to be better. We should name the heatwaves after oil companies.
We should also name the hurricane season. So the Exxon Mobile Heatwave, and the British Petroleum Hurricane Season. The Suncor Forest Fires.
That just sounds like free advertising. No one would actually connect the Sunoco name to a forest fire…but Sunoco would get their company name repeated millions of times per day on web and TV network traffic free of charge. No thanks.
Trust me, calling a Hurricane season the BP Hurricane Season is not free advertising. A bunch of red hat-wearing cultists will love it, but the vast majority of the planet will understand the premise. And it will tick away at their dominance.
Or we can just carry on and let them open up public lands to drill baby drill whilst we watch average global temps rise.
I love this idea
We already have the Edison forest fires 🔥
Next time i see a comment on Reddit I will do this (so the normies who need to see it will)
IIRC, a weatherman started doing this
I would love to see citation of this, any links?
Maybe they are referring to this… https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/meteorologist-heatwaves-oil-gas-companies-b2378915.html
yep, that’s it! thanks bud!
of course the water temp is the highest, the ocean currents slowly stopping https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ocean-currents-system-possible-collapse_n_64c075eee4b08cd259dddeb4, the magnetic poles are shifting and weakening (-15% in last 200y.), and seems like we are overdue for a next milankovitch cycle https://www.thoughtco.com/milankovitch-cycles-overview-1435096 only that it has little to do with our actual orbit/precipitation and have a lots to do with the magnetic field of the earth…
Are we all gonna die soon? Serious question
People are already dying to the effects. We know climate change can cause more and higher intensity hurricanes, more droughts, fires, famines, wilder weather swings, floods, and wars and refugee crises, etc. We know these things are increasing and we know people are already dying to them now.
So while you can’t pin any individual disaster to climate change, we already know it’s causing deaths.
As for if we’re all going to die? Probably not all of us, so if you’re lucky and don’t mind you or your kids living in a Mad Max world, you can relax a little.
No, we won’t. At least, the millennials are the last safe generation.
What will slowly die at 38°C are sperm. Hopefully, it will affect the reproduction of some roten brain about climate change.
Mass famines and heat that kills without AC coming summer of 2024 or 2025. Won’t kill the global north too much yet, but it will be one of the biggest deadly events in history for the rest of the world.p
Military journalist Gwyn Dyer reported on this almost 2 decades ago.
The global militaries have been planning for this for years. You see those ships with refugees from northern Africa? That volume is going to ramp up plus Mediterranean countries are going to exodus north to the Nordic states and immigration is going to lock the fuck down. People are going to die by the millions. Maybe not in 2 years but this is our future.
On the plus side, and I am fucking saying this sarcastically, at least it’s the “right people” dying which is to say those not white and those not rich.
We? No. We’ll just be uncomfortable. Our kids? They’re going to slowly cook to death as they’re running out of food/water/oxygen. Or, y’know, get blown up in one of the wars fighting over scraps of food/water/oxygen.
But look on the bright side: we’re on track to beat last fiscal year’s profit margin! If we do that, we’ll get a free company branded pencil and one ticket to use some leave-without-pay at you manager’s discretion – and the regional manager gets another vacation home!!
The economy, fools!
We will not just be uncomofrtable. There is going to be much more people dying to disasters than before and we are going to witness terrible wars in the next two decades
20years max.
Could be 12 hours
Soon cosmically? Yes, very.
Soon relative to human life span? Very unlikely.
Spoilers: Third world war will start at October, to go through clueless and senseless deaths all around the world, for uhhhhhh…6 years’ish.
Then (not really sure beyond that tbh) we will have a worldwide apparition of Our Lady of Garanbandal… something something “folks will die of shame by witnessing their sins being committed”, etcetc. The antichrist will come, christians will be hunted like animals.
Demons will manifestate, wander around. Everyone will accept em as saviors, praise em, etc. Lucifer will claim victory, etc.
Then, 2nd cometh of Christ, etc, judge everyone, etc. Hell will close, etcetc. New Jerusalem, etc.
So um… yeah. 10 years at best, 20 years at worst.
The flying spaghetti monster beckons: we shall all return to the sauce! Some time after dinner, most likely.
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No. We have a long ways away before the human population will be wiped out due to climate change. Most likely around 100 or so years. The issue is what happens before then. Increasing temperatures will mean less water for crops creating food crisis. It will mean rising water level which means people living in low coastal cities will have to move. There is going to be mass migration which people do not like (Conservative fearmongering and look at how the homeless are treated). The food shortages and migration will cause unprecedented poverty. Poverty is correlated to crime so there is going to be an uptick of it. If we don’t cut our carbon emission by 2030, we are going to see water wars and food wars by 2050.
What do these food and water wars mean? It can mean a lot. The rich will most likely be fine and continue with their yachts and private jets which are the biggest contributors carbon emissions. There will be more and more wars breaking out and even 1st world countries will be affected. This can lead to use of nuclear weapons which will continue to cut the human population and make things less inhabitable. Over time the human population will be cut and climate change acceleration will most likely slow down but not fully stop. There’s also a feedback loop to the planet heating up. As polar ice caps melt and the planet heats up, it may naturally continue on its own until it equalizes. It can go up to like 10 degrees which, well, I hope i am not on the planet at that time.
Not everything is hopeless. We have a lot of bright scientists and we are in an era of unprecedented wealth. I do believe when it comes down to it, the world will unite and we will be able to mitigate enough of it and create solutions. Mass solar panels is a good one. Building nuclear reactors for the future use is another. Some solutions have been suggested like turning the sky white and other stuff. Public transit is another thing picking up and will greatly reduce carbon emissions. Just remember, a majority of the pollution comes from the use of private jets, yachts, and cruise ships. People will get hungry. There is one group of people who are at fault and I think the French found the solution to it.
No. We have a long ways away before the human population will be wiped out due to climate change…Not everything is hopeless. We have a lot of bright scientists…
I said something similar in a thread yesterday and got savagely shat on by everyone. The thread was about people literally not having children because they’re worried about climate change. I said have kids if you want, don’t if you don’t, but it’s insane to make such a major life decision based on some nebulous calamity that may or may not happen in your lifetime, or at all. I’m extremely concerned about climate change but goddamn some people are nuts.
I think they are correct. We are living in a time with the greatest wealth gap. As climate change continues we are going to have food shortages and water wars. That is not en environment to bring a kid into.
We have a long ways away before the human population will be wiped out due to climate change. Most likely around 100 or so years.
You realize that would be the grandchildren of people alive today, right? That’s VERY soon lol…
I believe it. I’m not even in Florida (thank God), but my pool temp is 95F today. It’s literally too hot to swim.
I live in this shit hole state and it js miserable how hot it is. Our inside temperature for my house is like 84 during the day…
Could you toss some ice cubes in there?