• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Well unsecured consumer debt has technically no legal consequences if it is not paid unless you get permission to garnish wages from a court. Most consumer debt collectors use the “badger and harry” approach of constant phone calls to collect debt.

    Secured debt will just take the collateral.

    Of course try the high fico score debtors first.

    Or just forgive the debt.

  • My dude, please get some professional help. I am religious, so if you ask me, I would point there, but seriously, you are worth it and you are at least worth the memes you post. I bet that you could grow a bunch from a place of stability, and have a pretty rad life to look forward to

    Here is some other advice:

    • ask chat-gpt for some exercises to help you get your brain where it should be and a timeline. Then execute. Rinse repeat

    • reduce social media (including Lemmy) a good “cold turkey” break would be a cruise or something.

    • obtain physically proximate friends via volunteering at a local food bank or similar nonprofit.

  • The lack of observation has a clear effect on thoughts and behavior. There is even an English saying “when the cat is away, the mice will play”. I think that there is no such thing as " freedom of speech" or “freedom of assembly”, if a malicious actor is silent notes taking at all times.

    And because harvested data goes to the rich, or the cops who care about convictions more than the truth it is a reasonable assumption in my threat model that data observation is malicious observation.

    Also from a citizen development perspecrive, if your citizens are always watched, then they never develop the " moral muscle" and the only morality remains in the hands of those with the power to observe and enforce their will.