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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Clent@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    10 days ago

    Vegans need to downvote anyone that disagrees when them is proof their ideas cannot stand scrutiny. They do not relish in a debate of in any capacity. They don’t even have original ideas, it’s the same couple talking points because it’s ideology base. They call themselves converts but won’t accept it’s a religion.

  • Clent@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    10 days ago

    I’m sure you perceive it that way, as you already said you perceive being a threat. You appear to take pride in it.

    Couldn’t be less threatened by you. Your abstinence reduces price competition for meat products. You are restricting yourself such that it benefits me.

    The real threat in this regard are the boomers who eat more meat products than other generations.

    I feel I should donate a quarter head of beef to a local food pantry in your name as tribute and to show there are no ill feelings. At least from me. I doubt you feel the same towards me.

  • Clent@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    10 days ago

    Nope. Vegans are fine. Veganist like you are religious nut jobs. You’ve created narratives and then act like anyone who doesn’t agree with you is the bad guy. Not unlike the far right or any other extremist group.

    That feeling of your existence being a threat is the same feeling any other authoritarian feels.

  • Raping? You think farmers are raping their cows? That’s the hysteria I was referring to earlier.

    Vegans find a talking point that causes them to upset themselves and demands everyone else see it from their perspective. It’s emotionally manipulative at best.

    Personally, I find it hilarious how you’ve upset yourself over imagined grievances. Watching a new religion being created in real time is fascinating. Dogma forming and shifting to fill the voids of logic. Sociologically, amazing.

    There also aren’t a billion pigs in the world. Billions of chickens, yes. Billions of cows, yes. Around three quarters of a billion pigs.

    Your inability to do some basic research on your position is incredible. Feelings over facts. Emotions over reason. Project these failings in the other.

  • To be clear, that’s a yes on genocide, cloaked by eugenics.

    I can only assume you view farmers has evil since they are the ones breeding these animals.

    You believe all farm animals are treated poorly and spend their lives suffering or are willing to genocide them all because some are based on information that either you cherry picked or was cherry picked for you. Likely the later

    You belief without doubt these animals would rather not exist than be born. That alone more closely aligns you with “the wrong side of history” – I am unaware of any reports on animals mass suiciding so I’m guessing they are happier than humans, who coincidently commit suicide a large rates…maybe we should cull that herd instead, they are the ones responsible for deforesting the Amazon. I know you’d rather blame the existence of animals but I’m not aware of any cows reasonable for cutting down trees.

    The reality is that you care more about how these animals make you feel than how they feel. You’ve clearly never asked a pig if it wanted to die.

    You may be surprised to know that if you were to chase a pig with knife while calmly explaining it’s what’s best for her, she would be content to trample you rather than accept your mercy killing for being of a sullied bloodline.

  • Difference being if we end animal husbandry Earth simply won’t have those animals anymore. More a genocide really.

    How many draft horse does the average farmer have now that we have tractors?

    Once we lose or reduce these genetic lineages, there is no going back.

    Vegans want to pretend they are protecting animals but they aren’t, their ideas result in a less genetically diverse biosphere. They are hurting the longevity of our species by attempting to force others down a path that relies on technology they take for granted or more likely do not understand. You see this when they talk about animal feed corn and think we can replace those same fields at the same yields as sweet corn. They aren’t agriculturists but want to tell us how agriculture ought to be.

    And it’s clearly an emotional position because you will reject any logic or reasoning they are present. They feel they are right and their righteousness is part of the argument.