
me me big boy

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • ColorcodedResistor@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFast casual
    7 months ago

    “if i pay $50,000 for this hanging piece of flare, and only stay open from 4-10pm we can siphon money from money with our money from the people who have money. But our waiter? minimum wage, cameras in the back our head chef is a wanker from out of state who pretended to be something they are clearly not, and the wine? straight from my vineyard, with minimal staff, green card only workers and an ever living hate for anything that shows compassion or empathy. that’ll be $18 a glass of home wine and $38 for alfredo pasta add $8 for broccoli add $10 for chicken. what…what’s wrong this is just business.”

  • repairability means jack shit if it doesnt get supported a year later.

    having run a louis rossman electronics repair shop for a bit. ill say this…no two phones have ever been the same. ever. and the parts we source for repairs are more often than not recycled.

    the electronics industry does not operate like the car industry. You can’t just “order” a part for a reel 2 reel or punch card computer…90% of it is E waste and the few collectors who do have it…did not keep it safe from exposure.

    often times. and deliberately it is cheaper to buy new or go to the newer model because one off designs and limited production will stifle anything this fair phone hopes to achieve.

  • I sexually Identify as an LGM-30 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile.

    Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of delivering a W78 nuclear warhead with an explosive yield of 3x500 kilotons of TNT anywhere on the planet at Mach 23.

    People say to me that a person being a Minuteman III is impossible and I’m incredibly destructive but I don’t care.

    I’m having Air Force Global Strike Command install new three-stage solid-fuel rocket engines and give me an $86 billion upgrade on my 59 foot body.

    From now on I want you guys to call me “ICBM” and respect my right to be in service until at least the 2030s.

    If you can’t accept me you’re a missileophobe and need to check your local AFB for missile silos.

    Thank you, and I’ll see you in WW3.

  • its awesome stuff like this that keeps being found, GPT and AI are becoming what could be a game changer the same way fax/printer and machines in the 70/80s/90s changed the way we do business and now, we do it over fiber optic cable, this version of GPT has its failings, its detractors and blatant mistakes, everyday we correct it, the more and more bad data goes out and reliable data goes in.(hopefully) but if the internet has taught me anything. its not the size of the hammer that counts, its who is wielding it. would you trust zuckerberg if he came out with his own AI? or do we see more value in the collective learning of GPT?

  • i want this to be real. I’ve loved trains since i was a toddler. and as an adult Trains are some thicc power chungus

    unfortunately the only trains left are either subways or commercial rails, yes there is Some passenger trains. But can you get to anywhere in americs on one? Not today, Not the infrastructure that will take decades to build and Not the follow up on promises made promises. kept…coughthebigdigbostoncough

    (F40PH gang gang) back in my day we memed about objects, zoomers be all meta n shit. get out of my my head charles!