Why would I be talking about the washington post article? Im talking about the stabbing mentioned in the article of this thread.
The children yearn for the mines.
Why would I be talking about the washington post article? Im talking about the stabbing mentioned in the article of this thread.
I still watch these movies that I used to own just on their respective streaming platforms. I cant tell you how many times I’ve rewatched the same handful of movies I had as a kid but in my adult years.
Right, but. In the article they state
“A series of murders over the weekend have propelled the United States to a grisly new record: the most recorded mass shootings in a year”
Including the stabbing which they then refer to as a mass killing. I’m not arguing the point of the article. Its just misleading.
throw blankets! a basket of blankets or a couple nice ones draped over the back of your couch can look nice or great for just whenever you need a blanket.
They are counting the stabbing in NY as a mass shooting?
There is an app. Fog of the world is the name. Havent tried it personally.
So you hook your spotify up to this and it gives you different music from what spotify recommends?
Or just learn “i am deaf” in sign language. it takes 2 seconds, is very effective. Until you meet someone that knows sign language.
Reddit is leaking
I love chocolatey because i had to deploy with FOG for so long.
This logic will never make sense to me.
Imagine coming into a shitpost thread with this attitude.
clap clap clap
I have some bat dicks too if you want those.
I need a shower after watching that. And not in the good way.
I aim to mildly disappoint.
I was just sitting in a chair outside. I dont label it.
Alright one of you perverbs knows the sauce.