• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Personal Comment on the matter and living through it all in Germany

    This whole thing was a long ass nightmare…

    A lot of conservative politicians and our far-right parties wantes this to be canned and instead asked for a more restrictive policy.

    The CSU (Bavarias special version of the CDU) already founded a dedicated new ministery for “extremly restrictive interpretation of the new laws”. Thats how bad the f***ing right-wingers are about this progreasive approach! Im to tired to search for the source on that right now, if someone else could to that, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Its still hard to believe. Even now it feels very surreal that, within a few days, the technically still existent damocles-sword of illegallity will be gone. This whole law was passed around, rewritten, ammended and changed so often, many thought it would never even pass within our lifetimes, if at all.

    Even today, there was so much interest and tension in this thing, the streaming-server broadcasting the vote just cracked under the storm of viewers wanting to see how this would go down.

    Thanks to all the people who tirelessly pushed for this. Your work made this happen and you deserve all the praise in the world for it. I hope we can archive more things like this in the comming future.

    Usually we Germans are very hesitant to be proud of our country, for very obvious hystorical reasons. But I feel we can make an exception for this one.

    Because Im proud of my country for once! Good job!

  • All the evidence we have definitivly proofs, that gender affirming care for minors is reliable, safe and effective.

    If anyone tells you otherwise, they just lie. And at this point, not knowing this basic fact is just an admission of ignorance at best. Because I can google that in 5 minutes and drown in research-findings, that are easy enough to read. Also this “issue” is so present in general media, not having heard of it is practically impossible.

    I just wish news-outlets would start mentioning that fact in the headlines. This is not a debate, and never has been.

    Its one side having the truth, while the other side is, again, full of lies and harmfull intent.

    Like every time with conservatives: The cruelty is the point. They just hate you. They want you dead.

  • Emotional salary is the nonmonetary compensation…

    …all meaningfull perks extra cash cant replicate.

    We are at a point where it is almost comical.

    Everything is thrown into the ring except higher wages in a desperate effort to uphold shareholder profits high and growth, while simultaniously keeping an ever more disgruntled workforce in line. People are told to cut back more and more, while you read headlines about record company profits next to ones about massive ammounts of workers being fired.

    The only good thing about it is the increasing dissolution of “work and company ethics” it causes.

    Workers of the World unite, the world stands still at our will!