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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • That still doesn’t address all the issues surrounding it. I am unsure if you are just young and not aware how these things work or terribly naive. But companies will always cut corners to keep profits. Regulation forces a certain level of quality control (ideally). Just letting them do their thing because “it’ll eventually get better” is a gateway to absurd amounts of damage. Also, not all technology always gets better. Plenty just get abandoned.

    But to circle back, if I get hit by a car tomorrow and all these thinga you think are unimportant are unanswered does that mean I might mot get legal justice or compensation? If there isn’t clearly codified law I might not, and you might be callous enough to say you don’t care about me. But what about you? What if you got hit by a unmonitored self driving car tomorrow and then told you’d have to go through a long, expensive court battle to determine fault because no one had done it it. So you’re in and out of a hospital recovering and draining all of your money on bills both legal and medical to eventually hopefully get compensated for something that wasn’t your fault.

    That is why people here are asking these questions. Few people actually oppose progress. They just need to know that reasonable precautions are taken for predictable failures.

  • I was a 911 dispatcher for close to 6 years. Towards the end I was deep into all of these things, and more. I couldn’t tell because it had all been normal to me for years by that point. It’s insane how normal this can all seem from the inside. My advice to anyone reading this is that you rarely can be a good judge of your own burnout while experiencing it. Listen to the people you trust when they bring these things up. It’s not judgement, it’s not an attack on you. It’s genuinely in your best interest to not let it get too far. I have been out for almost 4 years now and the last 2 months are the first time in almost a decade I remember what actual happiness is like and how it feels to enjoy doing something.

  • See also

    • Adolf Twitler

    • Benedict Donald

    • Cheeto Benito

    • Cheeto In Chief

    • Cinnamon Hitler

    • Comrade Cheetolino

    • Con-Hair

    • Despot Cheeto

    • Diaper Don

    • Draft Dodger Don’

    • Fanta Menace

    • Hair Furher

    • King Mierdas

    • The Manchildian Candidate

    • Mango Mussolini

    • Orange Julius Caesar

    • President Gold Man Sucks

    • Prima Donald

    • Pumpkin Pinochet

    • Tangerine Toddler

    • Tangerine Tyrant

    • Trumplethinskin

    • Tweeto Toupee’to

    • The White Pride Pipe

  • You know, there’s so many people I have tried this with. They just won’t stop bringing it up even when it is completely unrelated to what we’re doing. One of them told me he feels smart because when that comes up I usually walk away to avoid the endless drama and he took that to mean that his position and opinions had so confounded me that leaving was my only way to respond.

    Stuff like “yeah I think religion should be enshrined in the Constitution and everyone should have to live by our rules” and “if women don’t want to have kids they should keep their legs closed”.

    Like, even if I thought engaging had any chance of working it’s just such braindead regurgitated Fox talking points that I wouldn’t engage anyway. Just waiting for these people to get everything they want and suffer for it.