Melody Fwygon

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I have a /48 that I can basically roll through.

    A /64 is more than enough though to prevent most casual attempts at entry; and does force more work / enumeration to be done to break into a network and do damage with. I’m not saying the privacy extensions are the greatest; but they do work to slightly increase the difficulty of tracking and exploitation.

    With a /48 or even a /56; I can subdivide things and hand out several /64s to each device too; which would shake up things if tracking expects a /64 explicitly.

    I actually use /55s to cordon off blocks inside the /48 that aren’t used too. So dialing a random prefix won’t help. You’d be surprised how often I get intrusive portsweeps trying to enumerate my /64s this way…and it doesn’t work because I’m not subnetting on any standard behavior.

  • I run both because of this; and because SLAAC enables features in Desktop OSes that offer some level of additional privacy.

    For example; Windows can do “Temporary IPv6 Addressing” that it will hand out to various applications and browsers. That IPv6 address rotates on a periodic basis; once every 24 hours by default; and can be configured to behave differently depending on your needs via registry keys.

    This could for example, allow you to quickly spin up a small application server for something; like a gaming session; and let you use/bind that IPv6 address for it. Once the application stops using it and the time period has elapsed; Windows drops the IP address and statelessly configures itself a new one.

  • So much for using airplane mode to conserve battery.

    Your understanding is slightly off.

    Airplane mode Does In Fact Turn off your CELLULAR Radio This radio is what powers your (2/3/4/5)G and LTE (This is 4G btw) connection to the cell towers.

    Most international radio communications laws can prohibit the use of Cellular Radio in flight; however they often don’t prohibit the use of shorter range radio technologies such as WIFI or Bluetooth.

    It’s all about ‘loudness’. Think about it. Your phone must ‘scream louder’ at a farther away cell tower than it would need to communicate with a nearby WiFi router or a Bluetooth headset.

  • Personally I’m of the opinion that they can’t take it back now. It’s too late.

    They cannot undo or erase the harms it’s caused. However they could regulate it…and that would be fair. No one under the ages of 18-21 should be able to buy or access this stuff ever; and the required packaging and regulations surrounding that should reflect it.

    This should be no more heavily restricted than tobacco products; which already ARE restricted heavily through taxation, permitting, and ID checking at the Point of Purchase.

    It would even be fine if you had to obtain these products from behind a dispensing counter; with no prescription needed…just an ID and a clue of the risks that these products carry. There is no need to amend the previous law, just make new ones.

  • With that being said; I do fully support an Instance’s choice to federate, not federate or even limit their federation with them.

    In most cases this should not affect instances; but unfortunately there are people who will ignore all warnings and use the Fedi Garden as a whitelist instead of a list of instances that you know will handle policy violations quickly.

    On the other hand I absolutely also respect the needs of communities who ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY WILL NOT TOLERATE instances who choose to federate with either X, Threads, or any other instance they deem to be too toxic to play nicely. As instance operators you absolutely have the right to block problems BEFORE they happen, and if you happen to KNOW an instance will absolutely be a HEADACHE, you have every right to say NO. If the users do not like your decision; they are free to find a better instance for themselves; or spin up an alt account on a better instance.

  • I would argue that federating with either of the biggest companies on the fediverse is a monumentally bad idea.

    Not just because of “Reports of genocide” or anything specious like that; which can be debated for days and days on end by people in both good and bad faith; but because both Threads and Meta are simply too large to be moderated correctly and be capable of managing basic issues such as harrassment and extended bouts of hate-speech which should never be considered acceptable; even if you do not necessarily agree with all of the goals and policies of the Fedi Garden; as strict as they are.

  • Not only did they guess it should be updated; they even left plenty of mechanisms directly in the constitution that allowed for it to be updated radically whenever situations changed so drastically that a supermajority agrees that it should be changed.

    Unfortunately that too is the downfall; as those who want to exploit the status quo are also empowered to leverage their money and power to prevent such a majority from taking place. The constitution is far from perfect, and it absolutely should’ve been amended many hundreds of times over, not just the paltry less than 30 times we’ve managed to do so already.

  • Just because it “Works For Me!” does not mean it will work.

    Beeper very much does not currently allow new users to access the functioning legacy iMessage infrastructure; and Apple itself is making it impractical as well.

    From the Beeper Community chatroom on Matrix:

    [iMessage] Important Notice.

    Beeper no longer provides support for iMessage-related issues.

    It has become known that Apple has targeted users of legitimate Mac computers for using Beeper to generate iMessage registration data. Beeper has commented about this situation on Twitter/X here and coverage of this issue has been reported in the New York Times here.

    As a result of this media pressure, many of those affected have been successful in having their hardware bans lifted. If you are still affected by a ban that you believe is related to generating a registration code on a Mac computer to use iMessage through Beeper please report it to Beeper Help here and please contact Apple Support as well.

    As of this time Beeper has removed support for iMessage from Beeper Cloud due to Apple’s actions. It is suggested that those still using registration data generated from a Mac computer to access iMessage through Beeper delete their existing iMessage bridge in Beeper Cloud.

    For any further questions related to iMessage please visit our helpful Discord community.

  • Officially; No.

    Informally; there’s a few mods of the stock Discord client; however they’re all closed source because they cannot possibly be fully open source as the stock Discord client is Closed Source.

    Basically; alternatives exist; However they are not FOSS, FLOSS, OS or even fully Source Available.

    Beeper exists but this is not strictly a Discord-only client and it is not fully Open Source; as some client/server code is only “Source Available”. Beeper is also not fully “Free”; unless you self-host it. Furthermore access to Beeper is heavily join-gated. You will have to source an invitation code from someone you know. (No, I will not provide one.)

    If you do get invited to Beeper; use Beeper Cloud, and be aware that iMessage integration does not work.

  • They absolutely are political prisoners! By strict technical definition.

    However, the fact of the matter remains that they committed crimes knowingly, knowing fully well that their political beliefs do not pardon their insurrection or their crimes.

    You know, when you try to pull off an insurrection and you absolutely and utterly fail at it, you gotta expect there to be some consequences. Thank goodness America isn’t an absolute dictatorship which would put dissidents to death. The punishment at least fits the crimes of each one of them. They get a fair trial and everything. What more could a criminal reasonably ask for?

    I don’t feel sorry for the yahoos who gathered on Jan 6th and caused mass chaos. I feel like if the feds rounded them up; they probably did something undeniably stupid.

    Plenty of people who “Showed up” for the January 6th protest who actually stayed out of the way and did not engage in the rioting and such actually don’t happen to be in jail…they were released at least 3 months later after nobody could find anything to charge them with. It’s part of how the justice system works.

    They had to know they would all have to be rounded up after the chaos and be sorted out. Hell; if they were smart, they left when things got hot and heavy and didn’t get arrested at all, and at worst only had to speak to the FBI or the cops a little bit to prove they didn’t join in the chaos.

    It’s not a crime for them to have been there protesting. The crimes were all the people breaking into the building(s) and trying to interfere with the process. Trying to terrorize and intimidate chosen people who were working to certify the election; which by the way; Trump lost. Unfortunately the protestors do not get to decide who our president is. The election does. It’s democracy.

    Unfortunately a small group of people got a little too salty about losing.