“He’s just zis guy, you know?”

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2024


  • That reminds me of an extremely strange part of a movie, Brainstorm from 1983. The movie is about a device that attaches like an EEG and records (on tape!) all the sensory input the person is having, and can be played back for someone else to experience. One guy who’s kind of a jerk records himself having sex then cuts out a loop of tape with just when he came. He is found by the other characters playing it back, having had something like an 8 hour long orgasm. Bizarrely, afterwards he was much nicer and wiser. This is how I remember it anyway. I might have to watch it again.

    TL;DR A guy reaches enlightenment from sci-fi VR porn.

  • I did a sleep study once. Right before they had me go to sleep they said something like “Okay, we’re going to turn off our monitoring and cameras, in case there"s anything you need to do. Just press this button to call us when you’re ready.”

    I appreciated it, but I was still too weird a situation to jerk off.

  • I’m pretty sure that 100% of the people here and in the earlier thread agree that people are intrinsically equal, regardless of their skin color. It sounds like you think that because of this, anyone who supports any situation where people are treated differently based on ethnicity, skin color, etc is racist.

    Let me try a metaphor.

    Let’s say there was a group of people with all different skin tones. They are all going to be given money, but because the people running the organization giving out the money are racist, they give much more to people with light skin, and much less to people with dark skin. The people running the organization are replaced with people who are not racist, but it takes generations. The people with less money had to spend it all on food and shelter, and their descendants have none of it. The people who got more money spent some on food and shelter and had lots left over, which they put in a bank and got a lot of interest from it. It was given to their children, and their children’s children, and now their descendants have even more money.

    It was definitely racist to originally give more money to the lighter skinned people.

    Would it be racist to now give more money to the darker skinned people?