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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • I guess there is going to be a split on this in terms of what people think. Obviously ride share drivers would love this, and since the only time I’m in Minneapolis is when I’m on business, it’s my company footing the bill, not me.

    However - if it was me footing the bill, I’m sure I’d be much less inclined to take a Lyft/Uber. However, ending ops over this is stupid, because there will be people that will pay for it, business or personal. Let the market decide what’s palatable.

    Everyone’s wallet is shrinking due to the rampant inflation over the past several years, and if you’re a full time ride share driver, it’s hard to cut even with the rising costs all around. Even before the inflation was hard. Vehicles don’t run on hopes and dreams and need maintenance.

  • So BotW can play pretty well on Steam Deck now, TOTK on the other hand… it’s a mixed bag. Requires a lot of tweaking and even then you’ll see dips into the 20s for FPS and the occasional stutter. It’s playable, just not smooth. That said, the OG switch only performs just marginally better with the OLED Switch being the best of the three.

    This is also coming from someone who has done a lot of tweaking for ToTK to make it work to a satisfactory level. There may have been some further developments in the past couple months, I haven’t tried since the start of the year

  • Throwing my anecdotal 2 cents in -

    Married at 23 (wife just turned 21) straight out of college. We were both very immature, and we divorced two years later after she fooled around with her 55 year old boss. Left me devastated at 25 going on 26 thinking I was used goods. After a lot of maturing, a few more relationships, I remarried at 33.

    It takes a lot of self reflection - because even though I could chalk up the previous marriage to “lol she a hoe” - I had piss poor financial skills, was very immature and lacked a lot of self confidence which manifested itself in toxic behavior all around. There are times I just cringe at who I was at that age. Not that I’m a perfect person now, I’m just more aware of what I needed to improve in myself to be a decent person and partner.

    Part of it is the age old wisdom of learning to love yourself and figuring out what you like, versus just trying to mold yourself into the person you think your partner wants. And not to say that “oh I’m an asshole, They have to deal with it” but truly understanding what makes you tick and finding someone who loves and accepts that part of you.

  • Agreed, there has to be a level of understanding. Just because you live in a space and pay rent doesn’t mean you can go wild and let the place crawl with refuse and roaches. I have an upstairs neighbor in my apartment complex that is the quintessential definition of the renter from hell. And we get all their roaches even though we keep the place spotless. And not to paint the landlords as martyrs here, as they have their own issues, but some people have a bad case of main character complex and think the rest of us that have to suffer with the stench and infestation are just the NPCs.

  • You’re absolutely right regarding Unity. And yeah, going back to pilfer your clients piggy banks is horrible optics.

    The only times I can think of when a company is justified in retroactively requisitioning cash from a client/business partner is when that client/business partner is either A) They (client/business partner) failed to honor their end of the agreement B) They lit your building on fire (i.e. damages)

    Barring those two, not really anything else I can think of that warrants a company saying “oh you also owe us more money now based on your past sales.”

    When I was thinking of short notice, however, I was thinking Reddit.

  • You’re spot on. The changes we’re seeing are seen as “radical”, as users had previously utilized them on the cheap. Given the recent changes in the overall market, shareholders are making radical demands. So companies have to think of something to pivot.

    When we look at video games, we’ve seen micro transactions creep up, a slow boil if you will, so consumers have adjusted to the increases in these “optional” purchases. Video games overall have been largely stagnant in terms of price per copy. Even accounting for inflation, we’ve really only seen a 20 dollar increase over the years for the raw “license” of a game. Then you add in premium packs and other “optional” nonsense and most have just accepted it.

    I think where people get heartburn on these things is when you introduce such a whiplash of a change with such short notice. I think even if Unity changed the pricing to 2 cents an install starting 2024, then upped it to 5 cents in 2025 and kept it at an incremental increase, it would have been a better “slow boil.” By going outright with the 20 cents per install for the entry level, the market reacted just as radically as the proposed changes.

    While I don’t personally agree with the changes, I can understand through your point why they’re trying it. Late stage capitalism and all that