An incomplete list of reasons I block accounts:

  • Ranting about journalism rather than discussing the actual news.
  • Whining about paywalls rather than just circumventing them yourself. It’s 2024 you should know how to use an archival site by now. Don’t expect everyone to everything for you.
  • 47 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  •"Fuck Elon"
    7 days ago

    From the article I linked to previously:

    Local authorities told NBC Miami that 34 vehicles had been vandalized within the parking lot

    Rounding to the nearest dozen is a perfectly normal thing to do so I see nothing inaccurate or misleading about the headline as written. It’s pretty annoying how far lemmy users stretch to criticize every god-damn headline they read.

  • Step 1. Right wing anti-trans doctor steals medical records proving the hospital was providing gender-affirming therapies for trans kids despite publicly saying they would stop doing so (Though it was still legal to do so in Texas at the time).

    Step 2. Right wing anti-trans doctor gives stolen medical records proving the hospital was providing gender-affirming therapies for trans kids to anti-trans conservative activist.

    Step 3. Anti-trans conservative activist uses right wing anti-trans doctor’s stolen medical records to cause malicious harm to the patients, their families, doctors, and the hospital.

    How on earth are you struggling to understand that this furthers the conservative agenda?

  • That sucks. I worked with a few when I was younger and knew a couple others in high school too, and my experience was the opposite. They weren’t exactly Rhodes scholars lol, but they were open-minded, kind, and dependable colleagues. Juggalos have a reputation for being trashy, and it’s something they proudly embrace, but I’ve found them to be generally harmless. Unfortuantely, I think just about every fan base these days has to deal with its share of racist Trump supporters who steal scrap metal from construction sites for meth money…