a lil bee 🐝

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • There is a lot of nuance to that. If Trump appeals on constitutional grounds, the Supreme Court can choose to hear it. State cases can be appealed to the SC if their interpretation of federal law or the constitution are in dispute. They normally just outright deny hearing most cases decided by state courts. A good chunk of the supreme court is likely to grant whatever the hell he wants though, so I’m not so certain anything that boils down to interpretation is safe.

  • See, I think this is what they’re talking about though. I hate Christianity. I was raised Protestant and because of other factors in my life, Christianity effectively ruined large swathes of my lifespan. It’s still an active threat to me, and likely will be for my entire life. I’m likely to be a fairly stringent atheist forever.

    All that said, edgy internet atheists are one of the most annoying archetypes to run into online. If even a whiff of a religious topic comes up, they pounce and nip and bark. They satisfy almost every stereotype the religious people have of them because they often seem to delight in the cruelty of knocking on beliefs. Like, my whole top comment still being relevant, religion has a reason to exist. It gives people feelings of hope, love, and belonging. Anyone who has experienced a lack of those can understand why people fall into religion and why it’s like any other addiction.

    I’m breaking one of my rules right now, talking about religion on social media, but I figured the “meta” aspect of this thread would make it productive. I hope I don’t regret it.

  • I’m not disputing that, but the meme kinda is? I guess what I’m getting at is asking where the line is between gross overwork grind culture and taking pride in your work and possibly working a bit more as an investment in that regard. Other people have had some good thoughts here. I think it’s just about watching yourself and your motivations for working to ensure you haven’t fallen into the trap.

  • I agree with this in principle (and I know it’s just a meme and I’m taking it too seriously) but how do we still allow for people who take pride in their trade or craft, even if the majority value has been stolen by a megacorp? I work for one of those huge soulless corps. Sometimes, every once in a great while, I enjoy working on something I’ve built. I’ll put in more hours than I have to just because I’m having a good time or whatever. I guess that’s still separate from the “being on my grindset” culture of doing that all the time though.

    Idk, thinking out loud here.