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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • This happens to me constantly. Just the other day I asked some friends for something and then they sent the literal exact opposite of that thing. Pretend I asked for blue with red stripes they gave me green with yellow polka dots. And it wasn’t just one person it was three separate people who all decided that made sense for some reason.

    I was extremely specific too, even more than usual because I know people constantly misinterpret me. I made extra sure to not use any language with vague meanings and it still happened anyway. It’s like we live in alternate realities where words have completely different meanings.

    It makes me not want to talk to people at all.

  • I pretty much never reboot the Pi. It currently has over 18 months of uptime on it. My NAS on the other hand I probably restart for one reason or another maybe once every 6 months. So yeah I’d say I reboot it minimum 3x more often.

    Plus a reboot takes much longer on my NAS than on the Pi. The server board is slow to start, the SAS cards are slow to start, and unRAID is slow to start. Then I need to manually enter the password for disk encryption. Then wait for the array to start up. Then wait a bit more for the docker containers to start. Add all of that up and even the absolute fastest reboot is like 10 minutes while the Pi probably takes 30 seconds.

    And what if I want to swap hard drives? Now it’s down for an hour. I guess I could wait until 3am to do all my upgrades so everyone is asleep, but I’d rather not. I suppose if it were just for myself it would matter a lot less. But again, it’s only $15 to not have to think about it at all.

  • Yeah it can certainly cause problems, it’s just not ADHD.

    ADHD doesn’t even really mean short attention spans, it’s more of the inability to willingly direct attention. It’s the same way people incorrectly use “OCD” to mean liking things clean and/or orderly.

    I have ADHD and I’ve had times where I’ve done the same thing for 14 hours straight (even forgetting to eat) when my brain decides it wants to latch onto that thing. You just need to be sufficiently stimulated, hence why stimulants can work as a treatment.