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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The iPod was so derivative of the creative labs mp3 player that Apple ultimately had to pay them $100 million.

    The Lisa and later the Macintosh copied from xerox. Something that everyone was doing around then. Amiga and Atari ST both had guis. Hell even the commodore 64 had Geos. The Mac didn’t even get color until 1987.

    Handspring had a smart phone, complete with touch screen and apps, years before the iPhone.

    Mac os didn’t have proper multitasking until version 7.5, years after Windows had it.

    Onkyo created the first true wireless earbuds.

  • It’s been a while since I’ve had Papa Johns, but they were at least as good/equally bad as Pizza Hut.

    I worked as a driver for Pizza Hut in the 90s, and their pizza was OK, but plain. I was sick of their sauce by the 3rd week I worked there. Pizza Hut went to shit when they started to move away from having sit down restaurants. Now their pizza is terrible.

    These days there are plenty of other pizza places to choose from, and I’d never order from either Papa Johns or Pizza Hut. Not that I was ordering it much, but final straw for Pizza Hut was when they did their “Any PIzza, Any Crust, $10” and then had “Stuffed crust excluded” in the small print.

    If I want cheap pizza I’d get Little Caesar’s or Pizza Ranch. At least I won’t feel ripped off.

  • You missed the whole point. We don’t have good statistics from miscarriages, because everyone counts the numbers differently, and when you add in the fact that some people don’t really realize they’ve had a miscarriage, you have a very nebulous stat.

    The point is that certainly miscarriages are more common than most people think, and likely even more common than that.

    My comment was not to prove that their stat was correct, but to explain why the stat varies so much. Your comment about demographics, although I’m sure it was meant innocently, can be taken as looking to blame a certain demographic for doing something wrong that causes their miscarriage numbers to be higher.