If you’re trying to make a point for there not being as many “crazy vegans” on the internet, well, you’re fucking it up.
If you’re trying to make a point for there not being as many “crazy vegans” on the internet, well, you’re fucking it up.
F the World - Northern Boys is pretty good.
On a breakfast you lunatic?!
SickAnimation from the olden days of YouTube.
There’s a good number of videos cataloguing templeOS, and it’s an interesting dive for sure.
Doppelgänger has some reasonably accessible tracks outside of FCPREMIX. Try ‘act one, scene one’ or ‘mouths like sidewinder missles’. Your mileage may vary of course.
I reckon these would keep me going for a good old time.
Is oil an American commodity? Appreciate this might be a different #nostupidquestions.
I always assumed that oil was primarily a middle eastern thing hence the US’s interest in it.