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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2022

  • different neural network types excel at different tasks - image recognition was invented way before LLMs, not only for lack of processing power, but also because the previous architectures didn’t work with languages. New architectures don’t appear out of thin air, they are created with a rough idea of what we could need to make the network do a certain task (e.g. NLP) better. Even tokenization isn’t blind codepoint separation but is based on an analysis of languages. But yes, natural languages aren’t “parsed” for neural networks, they don’t even have a formal grammar.

  • While I agree that LLMs can achieve human-tier efficiency at most tasks eventually (some architectural changes will be necessary, but the core approach seems sound), it’s wrong to say it’s modeled after the human brain. We have no idea how brains work as they’re super complex, we’re building artificial neural networks from the ground up. AI uses centuries’ worth of math, but with our current maths knowledge the code isn’t too complicated. Human brains aren’t like that, they can’t be summed up in a few lines of code because DNA is a huge mess that contains so much more than just “learning”, so many inactive or redundant bits and pieces. We’re building LLMs with knowledge of how languages work, not how brains work.

  • chayleaf@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlYes, but
    3 months ago

    over a century ago Lenin has defined imperialism as capitalism in decay, monopoly capitalism, capitalism that has outgrown competition, that has stopped playing a progressive role in history and became solely a force of reaction, and since then not much has changed

  • as much as I wish it were spontaneous, it seems organized (many cases happened right on the first day of elections; (nearly?) all of the perpetrators were women across like 5-10 cases that I’ve read about; they all immediately started taking photos as if to show proof to someone), it seems like either Russia or Ukraine is behind that (the former would want it to discredit the opposition, the latter to discredit the Russian state, either option sounds plausible to me). Of course, the Russian police says Ukraine-linked scammers promised money for doing it.

    honestly with how much some scammers can achieve at times (I’d rather not say, I’ve seen some abhorrent cases in the news) I tend to believe the official Russian version

  • good, now please remind me when and for what reason was Alan Turing killed?

    now remind me what happened in Cuba in regards to LGBT over the past 50 years?

    I stg some people are immune to dialectics

    even if we take your position 100%, jailing LGBT people is not genocide in the slightest, your position just trivializes actual genocide (unless you mean Holodomor, which you should’ve mentioned, and which is absolutely not man-made and doesn’t count as a genocide as such, even if you can criticize some of its surrounding policies)

    you’re probably one of the people who say “personality cult bad”, yet you ascribe to Stalin the level of influence that could singlehandedly flip the modern Russian’s outlook on one of the most polarizing topics in modern times 70 years after his death. Well, news flash, nobody has that kind of power. People act as “conductors” of objective historical forces, and Stalin was no exception, even the CIA said there was collective leadership in Stalin’s time. Communism doesn’t recognize “human rights” or any “universal” morals, so you have to scientifically analyze the LGBT movement to make a case for supporting it. Can you blame Stalin for not personally having done research into the gay question over 20 years before the word “gay” even appeared, during the WW2 and its preparatory phase? In order to answer a question, it must first be asked.

    when people criticize Stalin in general, they criticize the objective forces he stood for - namely, the preservation of socialism by all means, in spite of countless wars. When Khruschev proclaimed destalinization, he also proclaimed “peaceful coexistence” with capitalist countries, he proclaimed the “state of the whole people” (as opposed to the dictatorship of the proletariat), and started the ball rolling towards the dissolution of the USSR. Of course, this too isn’t a personal decision of Khruschev, but a manifestation of broader revisionism and opportunism in the party. This is the reason the Marxist-Leninist movement will continue defending Stalin’s legacy.

    • full disk encryption on everything except the router (no point in encrypting the router)
      • the server doesn’t have a display connected for obvious reasons, so I’m manually unlocking it via ssh on each boot
        • obviously, the SSH keys are different, so the server has a different IP in initrd. That said, I still don’t have any protection against malicious modification of initrd or UEFI
    • the server scans all new SSL certificates in realtime using certspotter and notifies me of any new certificates issued for my domains that it doesn’t know about (I use Cloudflare so it triggers relatively often, but I still do checks on who the issuer is)
    • firewall blocks outgoing 25 so nobody can impersonate my mailserver