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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Tell me, how culpable were thr old SPD members that fled Germany immediately prior to the Enabling Act? The politicians who skipped town rather than vote to stop Hitler. I mean, they didn’t explicitly vote for Hitler to become dictator. But they had the ability to prevent lr delay it and didn’t.

    At some point the rational and adult thing is to recognize that inaction is a defacto vote for the worst scenario you can imagine because you didn’t attempt to stop it. If you see a car hit a little girl, and then flee, are you in the free and clear ethically and morally for just driving right by only to hear she later died because no one else tried to help?

  • Biden is a genocidal dictator?

    And people insist that the far left isn’t blue Maga and then I witness crazy similarities like this be normal here.

    Like it or not, a vote against Biden (or no vote at all) is tacitly supporting the Republican takeover and implenetation of project 2025, regression and perseuction of LGBTQ and immigrants in our societies, and wild escalation in the middle east as Trump and Republicans have promised to do vis a vis Gaza.

    Folks, yall gotta deradicalize a bit. Put another way, what does it say about you that you’d rather allow a person like Trump, who wants to implement a final solution type deal, than a person like Biden who isn’t so crazy and even walking back? You don’t have to love these people. But if you could do so right now, and HAD to do so, would you vote to a hurt 1,000 gazans or millions of them? That’s the choice you MUST make in November. Even sitting it out is a choice.

  • It’s easy for people to cherrypick with groups.

    There are tons of antisemitic leftists. I’ve had to heavily curate my social media because of them, and I’m lucky because that’s all I’ve had to do (eg, I’m not being chased across college campuses or doxxed for belonging to a synagogue or have people waiting outside of my door to hound me immediately).

    But there are tons of leftists who aren’t as well.

    Leftism has become co-opted as way for people to virtue signal and rationalize things they want to believe. The right is definitely seizing on this strife. But historically, there’s nobody the left likes to fight more than other leftists.

    And the meme at the top about immigrants… that isn’t new. The USSR was famous for establishing ethnostates and it carries over to modern day. Sure, you could immigrate. But it isn’t like workers held hands and ignored the differences. The pressure was there, but perhaps not the wage pressure. Out groups were still blamed for things like shortages and service degradation, just like today. Nor a defense of anti immigration, but people seem to think the problem exists in uneducated or unenlightened people close to be leftwing. Nope, it’s our cohort. We are watching it in real time right now.

  • Probably depends on your subs. Most of mine have went far, far left and have become a tiresome dog pile of virtue signaling from behind keyboards and screens.

    And I’m a leftist. There seems to be a huge difference these days in being a leftist and being a “this is now my only personality trait” leftist through which all views must be fundamentally filtered. Even non-political/non-social. It has made some subs unreadable for me, specifically my state and city subs.

    Edit: I guess where I am going with it is that the extremes are becoming more extreme and seeking out new frontiers now that moderation is light.

  • Gen Z is just as gullible. Technically, more gullible than Boomers because Gen Z fall for scams at the highest rate as a cohort.

    This opinion piece may be correct. I think it is more their personal politics informs their religion, and no main stream religions available in their areas cater to that in the US. Even finding things like Buddhist temples, that aren’t really just some ethnic traditions that necessarily keep peopleout,are hard to find. A lot of churches are ideologically just as awful as we remember. Mosques even worse. Reform Jewish temples are open minded and progressive but Gen Z has a huge problem with Jews in general.

    I really think we are going to see a big problem with the cohort as they age. Not just religiously. Teachers have been warning for years that Gen Z as a group have severe deficiencies with critical thinking and reading comprehension. Normally, I think these divides are too rough to be useful. However, there definitely seems to be something there.

  • It never will be. Thats the problem with the system: it inherently results in two poles.

    We’d have real meaningful change if all the holier than thou third party voters would become hyper engaged within the party nearest to their alignment. Take it over. Got a taste of it with some progressives but most of them turned out to be performance artists all the same.

  • Has to be Krampus, and Anna and the Apocalypse.

    Krampus really scratches that nostalgic itch every year and I don’t know why. The broken family dynamics, the environment, the sound and set designs are amazing. And it has a lesson like every good Christmas movie should.

    And Anna and the Apocalypse is similar. It is funny, musical, and ultimately an allegory about growing up and leaving everyone behind to forge your own path. A good reminder that you never know when it will be your last Christmas with someone. Or maybe I’m looking into it too much and I just like zombie musicals.

  • That’s not why Reddit is ending it. Reddit is copying Twitter and Musk with a “creator fund” revenue sharing scheme. That pivots around paying for subscriptions with real fiat money to have the chance to earn a fraction of the value you to contribute to the site.

    And Reddit absolutely will not tolerate a competitor that they run themselves. People were earning hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of moons every month if their contributions really popped off on the CryptoCurrency subreddit.

    I had about $600-$800 worth of Moons just from shitposting and trolling and asking clarifying questions. I never made it a priority to engage; it just happened organically.

    So naturally Reddit is going to expunge the better version of what they want to implement because they can’t control it.

  • Citi Bank took my parents’ home and thus any inheritance the family had coming. So one can theoretically go murder those executives’ children as compensation and be morally right, yes? Or is putting in more identifiable terms highlighting how insane that logic actually is?

    Native Americans can invade American preschools and cut the throats of all the toddlers similar to what Hamas has uploaded to the internet with Israeli kids, yes?

    Don’t you see the slippery slope and immoral position you hold here?

    Bad people love to wear the mantle of victim because it justifies all the evil shit they do.