• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • We didn’t argue that

    Israel has already been caught lying about Oct 7th. I was pointing out that not releasing the video or allowing it to be recorded means that no one can verify if the footage is legit. You keep insisting “they reviewed it”. I don’t know what you think you were arguing but you were in fact arguing that it is fine that Israel is not allowing journalists to verify evidence (or that a 3rd party had actually already verified it).

    Screenshots I'm hiding in a spoiler because they are large

    What you were mad about is not being able to watch the deaths yourself

    I made a dumb joke about the snyder cut and you interpreted it in the least charitable way insisting that I personally want to watch the footage to celebrate. Don’t be an asshole

  • Oh come off it. You’re all up and down these posts repeating lies about Hamas using human shields or how driving the civilians out of their homes in mass does not constitute ethnic cleansing.

    Btw here’s the actual definition of “ethnic cleansing”

    the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.

    You argued with me that it’s totally legit that the IDF isn’t letting journalists verify footage of supposed Hamas atrocities but the IDF is cool with showing that footage to journalists in a private setting where they’re not allowed to record anything.

    You whine constantly that Al Jazeera isn’t legitimate but you haven’t posted a single source to debunk any of their reporting.

    Post some sources of your own or sit down

  • The trigger which turned the procession into a riot is not known with certainty. The British military administration of Palestine was criticized for withdrawing troops from inside Jerusalem and because it was slow to regain control. As a result of the riots, trust among the British, Jews, and Arabs eroded. One consequence was that the region’s Jewish community increased moves towards an autonomous infrastructure and security apparatus parallel to that of the British administration.

    So that’s not a Palestinian Pogrom.

    Lets look at the second one… wait 1517… 1517 ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Edit: ohh the person I’m replying to is very much unserious