I thought it was an interesting look at the perception of Britain in terms of ‘branding’ but let me know if it does not fit the community !
The website is just a front page for the report, which is actually a canvas project available here : https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTj0mFh2g/ioNSHMo4aGyOs6jwpgtgow/view?utm_content=DAGTj0mFh2g
It’s as if a 4x was stripped down to the essentials, just you and the map and three building types, the gameplay is basically “try to overwhelm the enemy” and zerg rushing has been my winning strategy so far. Love the aesthetic though.
I first played it close to release, but got bored of the story after a while, rediscovering this one on Steam Deck, the controls and combat has surprising depth !