Expert developer, Buddhist

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I’m kinda annoyed that this whole thing was pretty much a pitch for Tauri, and that’s a pretty lame looking webapp thing with typescript and whatever browser engine you happen to have lying around

    Tauri is tryna be all like “hey look at our install size, it’s smaller than electron!!” … like anyone cares about install size much. The problem is the memory/cpu use of web apps, which tends to 5x a decent native app. Maybe one day, with webassembly…

  • America is the center of the world, hate all you want. This is the cutting edge today. Hollywood is the dominant music/media power. Silicon valley is the dominant technology power. NY is the dominant financial hub. The hippie cultural revolution was largely here, and the civil rights revolutions that inform modern morals. America spends more on military than the rest of the world combined, and therefore has massive influence

    So that’s my context for being here. I was born pretty far away in Europe, which is great in its own ways. But if you really want to play the game at the highest level, America is the place to do it. Everyone else is just trying to catch up. Or they are enjoying a happy low stress life of wine and women with a high standard of living and low inequality — which are definitely unamerican ideals XD

  • Lung@lemmy.worldtoCool Guides@lemmy.caA Cool Guide to Protein Sources.
    25 days ago

    Absolutely terrible way to compare foods. The fact that many veg proteins are incomplete means they only have some of the amino acids we need, and must be paired with other foods to get a complete set. Generally that’s “rice and beans” kinda combos. Though some plants have complete proteins

    Also there are obvious downsides to many of the foods on the right side, like high cholesterol/saturated fats that will kill you from heart disease, and red meat being linked to diabetes/cancer

  • Really annoys me that Apple has a policy of no more updates after 7 years (or when they change the CPU architecture enough) — that’s hardcore planned obsolescence & I think it made their hardware quality worse over time (in addition to being unrepairable)

    Super lame. While I’m ranting, their trade in program is a scam that doesn’t pay out almost ever. And otherwise they will “recycle it for free” making money Im sure

    So yeah I’m pretty sure the era of MacBook superiority is over & imma buy a considerably higher spec System 76 laptop instead which comes with a repair bible for pretty much every scenario and is upgradeable

  • You can collect the data and figure out how to use it later. Just look at the Google leaks lately and what they collect, it’s literally everything down to the length of clicks and full walks through the site

    Collecting data about user interests is in itself valuable, and it’s plausible to use various metrics to analyze it, something as simple as sentiment analysis, which has been broadly done. Sentiment analysis has predated modern ML by a long margin, but you can read the wiki page on that

    But yeah just think about stuff like Google trends, tracking interest in topics, as an example of what such data could be used for. And deanonymizing the inputs is probably possible to some degree, aside from the obvious trust we place in DDG as a centralized failure point