Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitates it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Is on but created this profile on during a week-long outage.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • If we tried this in the UK with someone like, say, the late David Coleman, I’m not entirely sure anyone who remembers him would be able to distinguish - other than, as I said, the knowledge that he’s been gone for quite some time now.

    Coleman, was considered a go-to commentator for decades despite being gaffe-prone even at the best of times. He was occasionally oblivious and apparently lacking any self-awareness too. (He did kind of learn to laugh at himself though and was a good, well, sport, about it all.)

    Sounds very AI to me. Come to think of it, he may even have been kept around precisely because of the entertainment value.

    I assume that Al Michaels is not of this bizarre calibre and it wouldn’t take long for people to notice.

  • Fun fact: The past tense of “wend” was once “went”, but that was co-opted for the past tense of “go”, and the past tense of wend is now “wended”.

    “But what was the past tense of ‘go’ before that?”

    Kind of hard to tell what it would be now, but “goed” does seem likely - like we might have said as toddlers - but irregular “yode” / “yoed” is closer to the old form and is also possible.

    Evidence from other Germanic languages as well as “do” becoming “did” suggests a less likely “gid”, “gig”, “ging” or even “gang” (compare “sang”).

  • So I decided to go peek at the ragecomic subreddit. Yes, the very one-time ragecomic home-from-home outside of 4chan. Last post 17 days ago, using at least two “extinct” faces, got 600 upvotes.

    It’s complaining that there are no good tools to make ragecomics any more. (I have not checked to see if that’s true.)

    Y’know, I feel like they should stay there. Anything that’ll mess up an AI should stay on that site for as long as humanly possible. smilingthumbsuprageface.jaypeg

  • The smarter you are, the less likely you are to want kids or have “accidents”, and even if you do, you won’t have many.

    Spot the bad trend.

    Exception: Rich people have kids regardless of how smart they are.

    This is another bad trend.

    We’re not quite at Eloi and Morlocks yet, but given how things are at the moment, I think we’ll be there sooner than H.G.Wells thought.

  • The second one is arguably not vigesimal but instead just an echo of the Germanic way of saying numbers that English has all but lost. You’d be surprised how long things will lurk around the fringes of a language despite not being the most popular way of saying things.

    The fact it still makes sense probably helps too.

  • Born in 1988? Lots of folks born that year decided to have those two digits in their first Internet usernames as well. A few of those will still be in use, no doubt, so you’re not alone. (Me? No, I’m older.)

    In your shoes, I’d maybe think about changing things around, especially the easy ones, but you’re not me, nor I you.