I learned he’s not but I’m a simple person, lol. Adding 1 & 1 takes a bit sometimes. Thanks for letting me know.
I learned he’s not but I’m a simple person, lol. Adding 1 & 1 takes a bit sometimes. Thanks for letting me know.
Never mind. Maybe he’ll read it, maybe not. He did the right thing imo and all i wanted is giving back. Thank you for informing me about the topic and my misinterpretation.
You’ve been done better then the big subs, who gave in. Thanks for the effort and welcome to the better place
Heya, i may be a bit late to the party (as I am with my games, lol) but I can highly recommend the Gears of War Franchise. If you’re into action games with interesting characters and we’ll balanced gameplay, this is perfect for you. Awesome pacing between action and story. I’ve binged through 1-4 in a few weeks. Now I’m a bit stuck on 5 because of that one Boss fight, but so far the series is amazing imo
u/spez is a son of bïtch
I may be a bit late to the party but The last of us 1&2 had a pretty emotional impact on me. The game is pretty brutal, in every meaning, but the overall experience and story telling is hard to top.
I highly recommend to not get spoiled and play it in order of release!