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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Listen I’m all for Linux and use it myself, but this is not the way to get people to switch. Even I’m starting to get annoyed by all the answers in these threads being “Just switch to Linux, there are definitely no problems and it’s a 1:1 workflow.” (Yes, hyperbole. But you get the idea.) If a user has an issue and does not want, or cannot, switch to Linux, then Linux is not the solution.

    You’re not wrong. They’re still stuck in the “abusive relationship” with MS. In fact you’re absolutely right. But trying to push Linux onto these people like this only results in their view of Linux getting worse, and makes them more likely to stay on Windows to avoid the insufferable Linux users. It’s coming from a good place, but it’s honestly not helping. Every solution needs to consider the user’s use case and their parameters, or else it doesn’t matter. In the end what you’re saying is not wrong at all, but you’re still not offering the right solution.

  • To my understanding, you’re technically not pirating as you aren’t the one breaking DRM, ripping the CD, etc. You’re only receiving the pirated content. Kind of similar to how being the passenger in a car doesn’t mean you were driving, but you still end up at the destination (I thought about that simile way less, could be wrong. Don’t think about that one too much lol).

    If we go by the broad umbrella most people use the word as, then yea it’d fall under that category. Torrenting, ripping, downloading, etc., all get lumped under pirating most of the time.

    Another question might be is that legal since you already own or at least have a license to that content? I dunno. I’ve seen some people say yes, others say still no. Probably depends on the agreement with EA among other things. Or it might actually be out of scope of that agreement. Hm.

    But practically speaking? If nobody catches you, nothing will happen ¯\(ツ)

    Edit: Dropped an arm. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Frankly this catch phrase never made any sense to me, from a logical point of view.

    It assumes that:

    1. If buying = owning then pirating* = stealing, because you own it without buying.

    2. And if buying =/= owning then pirating =/= stealing, because you can’t own it otherwise.

    But the justification in the second statement is completely irrelevant to the first statement. You still own it without buying. It’s still stealing.

    UNLESS - we examine what “stealing” is. This is where the arguments about being in a digital space vs. a physical space comes in. Where the question is raised: Is making an exact copy really “stealing”? Or, consider what is being “stolen”? The original item? The idea? We need to think about this more.

    But it’s here the argument should be made and here the debate should be. That’s where “pirates” have a chance of winning. Let’s get rid of this flawed, easily repeatable, but fundamentally incorrect catch phrase and come up with a better one already. One that makes sense.

    *(Nevermind that most of you technically aren’t even pirating, you’re just downloading the fruits of someone else that pirated.)