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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I’m the opposite of this picture. It’s like I have to relearn the game each time and fluid play takes a long time to return.

    Funnily enough my muscle memory persists to some degree though. So for instance if a particularly tough enemy is charging me I might push a specific key without actually knowing what it does. Afterwards I have to reason and rediscover what I was trying to accomplish and bind that action to the key I pressed.

  • Wow, this one actually had me intrigued. So much that I read the whole text below (which is also well written and deserves attention):

    The Cotton Looms get all the press in the early industrial revolution, but the Threshing Machine really might be the biggest jump in productive capacity in the history of the world. It cut out so much manual labor (people used to have to bash flails against the grain for hours and hours to separate the seeds) that there were riots all over because it caused so much unemployment and social upheaval. The famous Luddites, who people think of as being opposed to all technology, were mostly mad about automated cotton looms, and their consequences on society. They even went so far as destroying the looms (and other similar movements destroyed threshing machines). They weren’t just backwards thinking technology haters though, but rational people who noticed that there was something deeply wrong with how society was organized that a machine which improved efficiency so much was causing poverty and even starvation among the very workers who it should have benefited. It wasn’t the Luddites who were irrational, but the structure of society itself. After all it should be the people doing back breaking work who are most happy about a machine replacing them, but because all efficiency gains go to the owners, those people are simply out of a job. We’ve seen this time and time again under capitalism, and is even going on right now with AI.

    The dragon is based on Adam Smith, who noticed these kind of improvements in production were the key to increasing the wealth of a given society, and that reorganization of society from feudal lords, who largely spent their money on luxuries, to industrial capitalists, who spent a lot of their money on “research and development”, i.e. improving the efficiency of their factories, was causing economic growth and ever increasing wealth. In order to modernize, societies essentially had to get rid of the feudal lords put all of their money into the hands of capitalists as much as possible, to kick start this kind of economic growth.

    Without the comic I might never have bothered to read the text though. In that sense it’s very well made.

  • takeheart@lemmy.worldtohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    2 months ago

    The thing that bothers me most with the current pay wall situation is that I’m not against paying for journalism in general, in fact I favor it: Reward good work with good money.

    The problem is the inflexible payment methods. I want to be able to pay some cents for a single article quickly and conveniently. But most online newspapers offer only a month+ long subscription. That’s asking way too much, I want really want just this single article. And all the other stuff that you’re also giving me access to I simply wouldn’t use.

    I like to read up on specific topics from a variety of sources but the current economic models heavily punish my archetype of costumer. I simply can’t afford to open up hundreds of subscriptions over the course of a year.

    Now often I simply fall into the X free articles per month category because I stray across so many different media outlets but that feels bad too because I actually want to pay for individual articles and help preserve journalism but there’s no means. Best I can do currently is rotate some subscriptions each month and free ride on the rest.

    In the paper era you could at least grab an individual issue (not an individual article, series or section thougn) at a newsstand and weren’t locked in.

    The web desperately needs infrastructure to effortlessly and quickly transfer small amounts of currency - change my mind. European Central Bank is working on a digital Euro which could lead to this but that’s many years down the road and also going to depend a lot on their implementation.

  • Yeah the locker/towel thing would be a habit especially if you don’t actively think about it.

    You may not have a strong daily routine but all humans have habits and it’s precisely because you don’t actively think about them a lot that it’s can be hard to become cognizant of them.

    They also include behavioral preferences such as scratching your chin with your right hand when lost in thought 🤔, calling your girlfriend ‘honey’ frequently, consuming certain foods/beverages more than others, separating the trash, opening up social Media on your smart phone when bored, or taking your jacket with you when you go outside.

    Those are not the same for everyone but everyone has them useless maybe some severe medical condition is present.