Ita not that hard to make one, it’s p simple I’ve made some small scale stuff for new year
Ita not that hard to make one, it’s p simple I’ve made some small scale stuff for new year
Go blow myself up at some politician
Western is not better, don’t leave Asia
Second season wasn’t the best
! Viktor literally wanted to make an utopia, and he is a villian? !<
Sounds like America
EU countries have nukes too
.bg? There are bulgarian intances?
Probably about my pets
Nuclear hater are braindead
I think Europe can defend itself, it’s not useless most countries have some military
Branch off probably
Get involved in volunteer work, you help people and it’s fun, atleast I found it fun
BT in titanfall 2, one of the only scenes that made my shed a tear
Probably a big chunk, thats why i left
I hope, my only goal in life is to outlive america
Why would you want that?
not everyone is privileged, a big chunk of the world is starving and are living in poverty, be glad you are born privileged
probably to do more action, volunteer more(at homeless shelters, tree planting) and go to more protests
Probably when someone advertised my discord server on 4chan