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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not work it’s more like a hobby. Work is what people do to survive.

    Wealth hoarders can either obsess or not obsess about hoarding more wealth, like any person with a hobby.

    So, how much time they spend on their hobby and what hours they spend on their hobby really depends on their temperament.

    I don’t know if Donald Trump is technically still a billionaire but he’s still a wealth hoarder. Those 3 a.m. coke fueled Twitter rants we saw from him weren’t coming from somebody working a 9 to 5 job.

  • Beta blockers - they don’t cross the blood brain barrier and help calm the adrenaline response. If you’re prone to panic, anxiety, trauma triggers, etc. They’re very helpful for my CPTSD triggers.

    Qi Gong

    Walking meditation is good when very restless or anxious. Body scans when trying to build deep states of physical relaxation. Sitting meditation for deep mental calm.

    Pendulation works well when working on an overwhelming task. Permission to take small bites/small steps out of something difficult essentially.

    Reminding myself that the stressor and the sensations of stress are all temporary is good for acute stress, but chronic stress can require radical acceptance instead and changes in lifestyle/habits/thinking patterns.

  • You can do it on your floor if you take enough ketamine.

    In all serious though, not really. I think other people already pointed out why.

    However you can also learn to close the sense gates, without drugs or a bathtub. Later Jhana meditations do this.

    And even just you relaxing in your bathtub with your ears under the water, that’s a step towards that stuff. The whole idea is to get very relaxed and minimize the stimulation from your senses, so that your mind can just relax and drift and be.

    It doesn’t need to be full sensory deprivation to get the benefits in other words.

  • Here I think it’s best to delineate the GOP base and the GOP elite.

    What you say is most likely (though not always) true for the base. While not likely (though sometimes) true for the elite.

    And it’s not a delusional disorder. But the effects of propaganda by the elite.

    The reason we see more of this recently in broad daylight is because propaganda works. The oligarchs and political elite care about the same things they did during WW2, money and power. And up until Pearl Harbor, their was support for Germany in the U.S.


    And don’t forget, the GOP has a history of shitting on minorities that goes back many generations. This isn’t new. It’s just masks off. Because their base drank the kool aid.

  • Yeah for real.

    I’m so grateful I had someplace to go to. My stepdad was not great either but he was much easier to cope with than my father. And my mom is my role model for compassion in this world.

    Unfortunately in my case the cycle of abuse continued with my stepbrother when my dad remarried. Which is why I have doubts about him really getting the message. And my stepbrother ended up moving out when he was 17 and couchsurfing through the rest of high school.

    Anyway, I made a edit to my post above. I just wanted to point out that we are the victims of abuse. Restoring the relationship is on the shoulders of the person that caused the damage to the relationship right. It’s up to them to make amends and rebuild trust. And without rebuilding trust there can’t be love. So, it’s really not our job.

    Finding compassion and understanding for everyone can still be really helpful though in that it can lead to deeper self understanding. Which requires kind of stepping back and looking at the factors that contributed to the cycle. But that doesn’t mean you need to let an abusive person into your life. Or feel warmth towards them. Even if they do try to make amends, it’s completely acceptable to just not have the spoons to deal with it.