Someone commented that sanctions wouldn’t work on China because sanctions were too harsh, and that the US should treat China as a parent does a child, educating them and encouraging them toward US goals so that sanctions were unnecessary.

I pointed out that China and the US do not remotely have a paternal relationship and a culturally American call to China would not elicit a culturally American response from China because of how different the cultures are.

Got banned for “Orientalism”.

    7 months ago

    What sources do you have for Israel committing genocide? I also because I’ve only heard 3rd party accounts from comments on Lemmy, and I was wondering where they all get their primary source that Israeli soldiers is intentionally killing lots of Palestinian civilians.

      7 months ago

      I think it is hard to find sources that firmly support the charge of genocide but I also think it is an argument with having. Most, if not all sources are biased in one way or another and can be discounted if you don’t like their particular bias.

      That said, some, like Amnisty International, think that not allowing aid into Gaza is a genocidal act which seems like a reasonable argument when children are dying of starvation and aid is being blocked.

      Human Rights Watch has another good article describing ways in which Isreal is complying with the IJC orders to recuce civilian casualties.

      the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian aid,” and to report back on its compliance to the specific measures “within one month.”

      One month later, however, Israel continues to obstruct the provision of basic services and the entry and distribution within Gaza of fuel and lifesaving aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war.

      I recognize that these sources are biased but i think you’d be hard pressed to find a source that isn’t biased with respect to this conflict. Lack of coverage of atrocities is, itself, a form of bias.

      Personally, I’d say that at least a portion of what is happening in Gaza could be considered to be genocide. It doesn’t appear that Isreal has done much to mitigate civilian deaths and may be actively trying to increase the civilian death toll.

      7 months ago

      Israeli soldiers is intentionally killing lots of Palestinian civilians.

      Let’s leave the intention aside for a moment. Can we agree that the response from Israel is disproportionate to the attack commited?

      First google link tells me 30k deaths or on another link that has more details from where this number comes from

      In that second link it also says that the original attack from Hamas caused 1200 casualties, so the retaliation from Israel has so far been 2,500% larger, bear in mind that most people that die in wars, especially in Gaza (because Hamas hide themselves in civil buildings) are civilians. Can we agree that if you kill 25x the people they killed from you it’s excessive?

      Let’s put that in perspective, the holocaust killed 6 million Jews, do you think that an appropriate retaliation would be to kill 150 million Germans? (I.e. twice the country’s population today).

      Now with that in mind remember that the response from Israel is intentional, even if individual soldiers don’t think they’re committing genocide the state of Israel is attacking the Gaza strip intentionally (or you mean to tell me they fired missiles and invaded accidentally?), and so far has killed 25x the amount of people the original attack killed, when does it become genocide for you? How many more Palestinian people need to die before you name it a genocide?