There are a lot of GOP-controller legislatures in the USA pushing through so-called “child protection” laws, but there’s a toll in the form of impacting people’s rights and data privacy. Most of these bills involve requiring adults to upload a copy of their photo ID.
The auth system knows you verified for something. The only way to actually preserve privacy is total anonymity to everyone.
Nope, it doesn’t. Did you read what I wrote or did you just have a knee-jerk reaction?
Please explain it to me like I’m five. How can the authentication service not know what your authenticating against? How can it provide you a token that you can’t use over and over again, or past other people?
OAuth specifically wants to know what you’re using your tokens for.
In principle if you insert a middleman into a transaction the middleman knows about the transaction. Thus it’s violates privacy
What good is it for the system to know, if the system disregards that information right after auth? Effectively it’s like no one ever knew.